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Thread: Cutting with Test E for the sportsman...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Land of the sun.

    Cutting with Test E for the sportsman...

    I’m currently 5’10’’, 192lbs with 11.5% bf.
    I’d like to reduce my bf, increase muscularity and definition without getting any heavier because of sports.
    My question is, could this be achieved with:
    • a 12wk novice cycle of Test E 500
    • Var 60mgs (8wks)
    • T3 approx 120mcgs ED
    • Aromasin 20mgs ED (13wks & PCT)
    • a clean diet
    • solid cardio (basketball and bike/treadmill)

    If not please amend it.
    Lastly, how would I properly implement Aromasin into PCT?

    Thank you all,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GoldieTheMack
    I’m currently 5’10’’, 192lbs with 11.5% bf.
    I’d like to reduce my bf, increase muscularity and definition without getting any heavier because of sports.
    My question is, could this be achieved with:
    • a 12wk novice cycle of Test E 500
    • Var 60mgs (8wks)
    • T3 approx 120mcgs ED
    • Aromasin 20mgs ED (13wks & PCT)
    • a clean diet
    • solid cardio (basketball and bike/treadmill)

    If not please amend it.
    Lastly, how would I properly implement Aromasin into PCT?

    Thank you all,
    First off. Long and short acting testosterone can be used to bulk/cut. There is no set rule so I can deffinitely see this working. I like the cycle also. Test Enan at 500mg/wk for 12 weeks, with Anavar at 60-75mg/ED for the final 6-8 weeks. I good solid/clean diet high in clean calories is essential here. Cardio is a must aswell.

    If not wanting to get any heavier Test Enan may not be ideal. As its use often leads to one holding water retention. An AI can reduce/prevent this, but other testosterones are more suited at making the user hold less water, such as, Test Prop.

    I'd start Aromasin at 20mg/ED for the cycle and during PCT and adjust the dose accordingly. 20mg/ED for the length of your PCT along with the other compounds in your PCT protocol should suffice. Out of curiosity, whats your PCT protocol?

  3. #3
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    Your last question was answered by my last question.
    How would I incorporate Aromasin into a basic Clom 100/Nolva 20 PCT? Would one of them be reduced or is the AI just added?

  4. #4
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    Aug 2005
    This is a very good cycle for your goal, though there are significant points of interest. You'll need to keep a close eye on your weight because as Swifto noted though diet is key, Test naturally increases weight, so:
    • Your diet will have to be very clean and atypical to offset weigt gain. Typically, bb'rs want to consume protein at 200-300 gms a day, and bulkers in excess of 300. So keep your's moderate, you'll have to find the ideal range based on weight fluctuations and cardio caloric consumption.
    • Use carbs sparingly, I'd recommend cycling them every 3rd day.
    • You didn't mention how often you play ball, but of course this too will offset Test's natural tendency without restricting your intake.
    • Use the gym cardio strategically, as you would polish. (I really like the fat burning you're working with here, T3, Var's fat burning properties, and of course Test itself. This is well designed).

    As for your PCT question, AI's are "generally" additive, and would not change standard PCT protocol.

    Good luck.

    Last edited by magic32; 03-21-2006 at 12:57 PM.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    This is a very good cycle for your goal, though there are significant points of interest. You'll need to keep a close eye on your weight because as Swifto noted though diet is key, Test naturally increases weight, so:
    • Your diet will have to be very clean and atypical to offset weigt gain. Typically, bb'rs want to consume protein at 200-300 gms a day, and bulkers in excess of 300. So keep your's moderate, you'll have to find the ideal range based on weight fluctuations and cardio caloric consumption.
    • Use carbs sparingly, I'd recommend cycling them every 3rd day.
    • You didn't mention how often you play ball, but of course this too will offset Test's natural tendency without restricting your intake.
    • Use the gym cardio strategically, as you would polish. (I really like the addition T3 for this purpose also, not to mention Var's fat burning properties. This is well designed).

    As for your PCT question, AI's are "generally" additive, and would not change standard PCT protocol.

    Good luck.

    Agree with magic but i think the t3 dose is to high, id concentrate more on the diet.


  6. #6
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    Good thought Marcus, but with a goal of ZERO weight change, I think he'll need every burner available to him. Heck, I'd even through in some Clen or Ephedra, if possible. This is quite an endeavor. You might want to keep a journal for forum posterity.


  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Good thought Marcus, but with a goal of ZERO weight change, I think he'll need every burner available to him. Heck, I'd even through in some Clen or Ephedra, if possible. This is quite an endeavor. You might want to keep a journal for forum posterity.

    Am hearing you magic but dont you think it can be controled by diet?


  8. #8
    120mcg of T3 is way to much,you are gona loose muscle,id drop it to 25mcg.Diet and cardio are the most important poart in any cutting cycle.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Am hearing you magic but dont you think it can be controled by diet?

    Let me qualify it, I'm agreeing that diet is primarily responsible for controlling weight while on a 12wk Test cycle.

    However, there are gradations of control, and doing so to the point where you return a zero net gain, with a ravenous appetite, requires more than diet. That’s why I like the ancillaries and would recommend Clen or Eph also.

    Additionally, let me state for the record, I’ve never read a single piece of literature from you that I disagreed with. So that said keep up the good work and thanks for permitting me to clarify.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    120mcg of T3 is way to much,you are gona loose muscle.
    Not on Test.


  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Let me qualify it, I'm agreeing that diet is primarily responsible for controlling weight while on a 12wk Test cycle.

    However, there are gradations of control, and doing so to the point where you return a zero net gain, with a ravenous appetite, requires more than diet. That’s why I like the ancillaries and would recommend Clen or Eph also.

    Additionally, let me state for the record, I’ve never read a single piece of literature from you that I disagreed with. So that said keep up the good work and thanks for permitting me to clarify.

    Thanks for the compliment

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Not on Test.

    I disagree,anything above a maximun of 50mcg will have catobolic effects wheather on test or not

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    I disagree,anything above a maximun of 50mcg will have catobolic effects wheather on test or not

    Right, I agree that 120mcg is too much T3

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    I disagree,anything above a maximun of 50mcg will have catobolic effects wheather on test or not
    Are you saying he would lose more muscle than he would gain from the test? Because he does not want to gain any weight, just increase muscularity and strength, so even if he suffers some muscle loss, as long as he is still gaining more than he is losing, while shedding the fat, I think that is his goal.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterShake
    Are you saying he would lose more muscle than he would gain from the test? Because he does not want to gain any weight, just increase muscularity and strength, so even if he suffers some muscle loss, as long as he is still gaining more than he is losing, while shedding the fat, I think that is his goal.
    Yes I believe he would loose more muscle than he would gain running at 120mcg.

    More is not always better!

    He should consider adding clen.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    I disagree,anything above a maximun of 50mcg will have catobolic effects wheather on test or not
    You're right, for some reason my mind was processing the Clen dosage rather than T3. That dose for the duration of the cycle is far too much. I'd run it at about 40-60mcgs if going the duration.

    Good call XTR.


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