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Thread: Listen guys, dont let this sport consume you!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Listen guys, dont let this sport consume you!!

    I am writing this post because of things I have observed over the past couple of years with a good freind of mine, and it's made me take a step back and look at my own experiences as well. About 2 years ago I was in an out of town gym training and saw this guy come in, the guy was huge, he had some of the biggest arms I had ever seen in my life. I couldnt stop looking at this guy, he was just massive and had veins sticking out everyplace like garden hoses. Anyways, I finally got up the nerve to talk to him, and the conversation steered towards anabolics. I didnt have a source and hadnt done steroids in few years, and basically he ended up becoming my new reliable source, but more importantly, over the past couple years has become my best freind. This guy grew up in the Golden era, lived out in Cali,and he knows alot of the greats personally. He has told me things about some of the pros including Arnold Schwarzenegger you cant find in a magazine or book. Anyways, when we first started getting aquainted and hanging out, this guy had money, alot of it. It seemed like he was never conservative with it, and if he wanted it he'd buy it. He had juice he was selling and running like a madman, we arent talking like the guy you give your money to and he orders it for you, we're talking like the big man who had 200 bottles at his crib to sell ya. The guy had quit his job and basically dealt for a living. His juice, grocery bill, and GH habit probably cost him twice what the average person makes a year, seriously. Anyways, last year his sights were set on just one thing, a huge contest coming up that year, and I'm not mentioning which one. From what I've observed knowing him, and gathered from our conversations, this guy has become so consumed with bodybuilding he's ****ing his life up. He's pushed away people who were close to him, including his family which he hasn't spoken with in years. This guy spends Christmas, Thanksgiving, even his own birthday, ALONE. I just got off the phone with him earlier, and he told me how his lifestyle and everything he has done is catching up with him and he is about to lose what little left that he does have, including his house. This guy has done almost nothing but eat, sleep,and breathe bodybuilding for the past 30 years, it's like the only way he knows how to live. But he has paid a hefty price to live this way, and so many times has he told me recently about things getting bad, but "Something will happen, I'll pull through." Well, this time he might not pull through, he needs to come up with several thousand within the next 2 weeks or so, or he's screwed. I got off of the phone with him, and took a few moments to think about the way I've lived myself the past year. I've spent alot of money I didnt have to spend on juice, eating out, etc, money I could have used for better things until I had the extra money for steroids. I'm trying to come up with a few grand myself to pay for my wedding now, I could have had it paid for twice if I was smarter with my money last year. I ended up quitting my job and getting into stripping for my income and juice, and I made damn good money doing it. However, I also cheated on my fiance several times and started to live a double life. I've straightened up alot within these past few months. I've landed a good job and quit stripping and cheating, things going good with my girl, got my sights set on the future. All the bad shit is behind me now, and I just want to live a good life. I was starting to go down the same road as my buddy has, and I was so consumed by this sport I refused to realize it. I'm not telling you guys not to use steroids, and I'm not saying that you cant be enthused about bodybuilding. All I'm saying is every once and awhile take a look at where your at and what you've accomplished with your life. Dont get consumed by this sport so much that you start to make poor decisions, and use money you cant afford to spend on things like juice. But most importantly, just remember that the easy way out is not always the best way, and in the end we all pay for our mistakes in life. Dont be my buddy. I hope he can get out of this mess, he's a great guy who has just made some poor decisions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Thank you for sharing this...I can relate on a MUCH smaller level...I didnt have any friends or anything for a while and it was because of my "dedication"...Ive learned not to stress about exactly the right WO plan/eating schedule etc...and I am making the best gains since my first year...everyone should take this post to heart...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    Thank you for sharing this...I can relate on a MUCH smaller level...I didnt have any friends or anything for a while and it was because of my "dedication"...Ive learned not to stress about exactly the right WO plan/eating schedule etc...and I am making the best gains since my first year...everyone should take this post to heart...

    Well, the thing about it all is there are ways you can still be successful and achieve an awesome body, all without pushing people away and ****ing up other goals. And if you were like me, you had no other goals, that was the start of the whole problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    I love to bodybuild and I love the life style but I choose to live the style the stlye dosen't use me. I eat my meals when I have to and train my ass off and sleep. But I still hangout, work and do all the stuff I used to. I think the problem is you get too wraped up in it like stacked said. If I go to a concert and cant eat for like 4 hours big deal Ill just eat when I get done is it an dhour off yea am I still getting the kcals I need yes. Sometimes when my bros go out to eat ill go with them and eat with them spur of the moment(it helps im bulking) but I choose to go have some fun and I'll eat the best thing they have to offer. BBing is a life style yes but unless its your job dont let it run your life live they way you want to and run the style along with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    I love to bodybuild and I love the life style but I choose to live the style the stlye dosen't use me. I eat my meals when I have to and train my ass off and sleep. But I still hangout, work and do all the stuff I used to. I think the problem is you get too wraped up in it like stacked said. If I go to a concert and cant eat for like 4 hours big deal Ill just eat when I get done is it an dhour off yea am I still getting the kcals I need yes. Sometimes when my bros go out to eat ill go with them and eat with them spur of the moment(it helps im bulking) but I choose to go have some fun and I'll eat the best thing they have to offer. BBing is a life style yes but unless its your job dont let it run your life live they way you want to and run the style along with it.

    Well put bro, run your life the way you want to and run the style along with it, dont let the style run you. Very well put!!!

  6. #6
    Its takin over me pretty good. I rarely go out anymore. I've lost a lot of friends... Oh well..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Its takin over me pretty good. I rarely go out anymore. I've lost a lot of friends... Oh well..
    are you for real? That sucks bro sorry to hear

  8. #8
    Yeah..all I do is train/sleep/eat.. and now work will be added. I don't do shit. But enough of that..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source

    Let it go. It seems everyone is on the same bandwagon. Perfection is something very HARD to achieve. What you or I see, is what you make it to be.

    Be optimistic, strive for your goals, BUT MOST CERTAINLY dont a lifestyle get in the way of life....ONLY LIVE ONCE!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Good story. Definately something to take into consideration.

    I always be into it, but I know i'd rather be rich than huge. So i'll be spending most of my 20's working and trying to be consistent at the gym. Then someday when I have a family they'll be number one.

    You just have to take a step back and look at what REALLY matters.

  11. #11
    Thanks for the awesome post, bro. I've definitely become VERY consumed with gear the last few months, and I realized earlier today (before reading this post!) that it's time to back off a bit.

    I'm now focusing on becoming more balanced, like the good ol' days.

    Guys, bodybuilding is great, but it really isn't life. Our bodies are just materials that'll one day deteriorate. Just a thought...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Nice post, makes you slow down for a second and think about your life. I know it got me thinking. I been having the erge to get with someone other than my gf. Now I'm kinda chilled out for now.

  13. #13
    I've been thinkin bout that like everyday anyway..interesting thoughts..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Yeah, Ive thrown alot of things out the door and screwed alot of friendships up because of this lifestyle. Its almost like a drug, as soon as you get a taste of a little muscle you want more, its all you focus on. Lately its actually been freakin' me out a little bit, I can almost see this taking me in the wrong direction, but I love it at the same time and I could never live w/o lifting.

  15. #15
    That was long, I'm glad you didn't beat anyone up this time.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

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    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have no life right now, and won't for the summer, because i'm saving up for a new car, not because of bodybuilding..

    bodybuilding actually makes me horny and want to go out.. but saving up cash is the bitcharoo.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Beats the hell out of doing drugs, drinking, getting in trouble. Its a hobby. Ill brb need to go get high.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    good post bro.. very true info.. to much of anything is not good..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Good post!

    Fitness/nutrition/etc. was consuming my life, so I was lucky enough to be able to MAKE it my career/life/etc. Good at first, but then it REALLY becomes all that you do, and you slowly force others you were close with out of your life, concentrate on nothing else, etc.

    I have since learned a bit of balance, but I have to admit that at times it's still pretty rough! I'm consumed with the world of fitness, but when I think about what I "could" be doing job/career wise, it reminds me of how lucky I really am.

    I just have to maintain a certain harmony w/fitness and other areas of life.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    great thread and responses. ive been full-on dedicated to bodybuilding for the past 4 years, no regrets, but i could easily see how it could consume someone to the point of isolation. i lived in magaluf last summer, working out there. yes i had so much fun, but still ate and trained the same as i do at home, was still just as dedicated but made lots of friends, and spent most of my time enjoying myself. i think i have a good balance on life, especially for a 20 year old, but at the moment i work at night, and in the day my friends are working or at university, so only really see them in the gym or on sundays. so monday-saturday all i do is eat, train, sleep and walk the dog, oh and masturbate, but theres been enough discussion on that lately lol. nice post stayinstacked, youve opened alot of eyes, thankyou

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Bodybuilding got me confidence and helped me shut the mouth of a lot of people who tought i was a no body.

    I started training at 13 in my basement and joined a gym at 16 where i was lucky enought to get trained by a great guy name Leo, he showed me the basics and i went on with the rest, gym close about a year after and i never saw him again.

    I was very discourage at that time in my life i was 5 feet 10 and 138 pounds full of zits.

    Without any steroids i got my bodyweight from 138 to 230 of course i did take sometime and i was not ripped at all but still what a change.

    Now at 33 i am off training injured my back 5 years ago and still in rehab but i can wait to start training again.

    I am not consumed on building the perfect body or anything i just want to get back and lift weights cause i really love doing so.

    For me training is the best thing around.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i can relate. . .bodybuilding owns my life.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    but i cant imagine my life without bodybuilding, even though i was happier before i started, oh well.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    Bodybuilding is my life, I don't care about anuthing else. I have no regrets. I love my life.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    I dont think some of you get the point of SS.

    He's not saying drop it all together... He is merely suggesting that there is more to life than BB-ing.

  26. #26

    I see and hear this quite often in my practice...

    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I am writing this post because of things I have observed over the past couple of years with a good freind of mine, and it's made me take a step back and look at my own experiences as well.
    Although, I have a private practice (pychotherapist) and specialize in these issues. Moreso, when it deals with true AAS abuse.

    Yes, it can be all consuming, but only becasue there are some unresolved issues that have not been dealt with and also becasue it is a way of trying to master control over issues in our life that are out of control.

    I don't want to get to far off into psycho-babble, just wanted to reienforce that it (bodybuilding) in it's purest form is NOT a bad habit to form, just use it in moderation.

    And learn to be more outgoing, take off the earplugs/headphones in the gym and say hi to people in the gym, you'd be surprised the reaction you may get when these people start de-demonizing you for your SIZE.

    Goodluck stayinstacked-PM me if you need some advise that you can share with your friend. He needs alot of support right now!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach
    Wouldn't have it any other way......

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Its takin over me pretty good. I rarely go out anymore. I've lost a lot of friends... Oh well..
    x2 for me. But its different than the other guy
    it's not because i lost friends because ALL i do is live/breathe bodybuilding. but the thing bodybuilding has tought me is to let go of any negative chains/influences in my life, which unfortunately was alot of my old friends, friend who wanted nothing more out of life than to live day to day and never think about the future and get wasted/stoned everynight. I'd rather be alone and be invovled with bodybuilding than has friends like that

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    . Dont get consumed by this sport so much that you start to make poor decisions, and use money you cant afford to spend on things like juice. But most importantly, just remember that the easy way out is not always the best way, and in the end we all pay for our mistakes in life. Dont be my buddy. I hope he can get out of this mess, he's a great guy who has just made some poor decisions.

    Excellent Post!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    dam i wish i was like yall no tellin what my body could be like..but i've managed to do well and lead a balanced life.. and for us younger guys why the HELL should bodybuilding consume you.. I mean i love liftin and stayin fit but i also love goin out and gettin hammered and partyin..i also work and feel that i deserve to go out and have fun..and we're in college so these are like gonna be the best years of our lives so why do you wanna spend them being a recluse obsessing over bodybuilding...i for one would never choose bodybuilding over having a fullfilling life..for you recluses its time to go out and have a few drinks and nail as much pink as you can while we're still young and dont gotta pay for young ass..gaah i could go on forever but just think about all the college sluts your missin out on "bodybuilding"

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by HULKBOY
    dam i wish i was like yall no tellin what my body could be like..but i've managed to do well and lead a balanced life.. and for us younger guys why the HELL should bodybuilding consume you.. I mean i love liftin and stayin fit but i also love goin out and gettin hammered and partyin..i also work and feel that i deserve to go out and have fun..and we're in college so these are like gonna be the best years of our lives so why do you wanna spend them being a recluse obsessing over bodybuilding...i for one would never choose bodybuilding over having a fullfilling life..for you recluses its time to go out and have a few drinks and nail as much pink as you can while we're still young and dont gotta pay for young ass..gaah i could go on forever but just think about all the college sluts your missin out on "bodybuilding"
    damn good point fella, believe me when i say im dedicated, but i dont let it stop me having fun. i very rarely drink alcohol as i work at weekends, but, im a bouncer so still get to socialise alot whilst working. i plan my meals AROUND what i am doing that day, i dont plan my day AROUND my meals. im only in the gym about 45-60 mins 5 days a week so thats never an issue, im in and out fast, eat, then if summit fun comes up, im off

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    Bodybuiling has helped me meet alot of people that share the same goals as many of us, to be healthy and good looking. It helps me relax, get my stress out and a better person. Nothing has changed in my life in terms of my goals except make me more confident when I speak to people.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831
    Bodybuiling has helped me meet alot of people that share the same goals as many of us, to be healthy and good looking. It helps me relax, get my stress out and a better person. Nothing has changed in my life in terms of my goals except make me more confident when I speak to people.

    Thats good your like that, and keep it that way

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yo mama's house
    Great post SS, I must say I had seen it a couple days ago but hadn't taken the time to read it until now. It's a very good read.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Its takin over me pretty good. I rarely go out anymore. I've lost a lot of friends... Oh well..
    Same here. But most people SUCK! They only end up using you or screwing you over so I'm glad I've ditched my circle of friends. I got some pretty cool gym buddies and we all can relate coz we all love BB.

    Hear the point about oney though. Luckily I've always kept an eye on that and invested wisely.


  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    What a great of my frends is like your buddy SS. i am going to tell him to read this post.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I was totaly obsessed for 3 years. neglected school and just about everything. Luckily I snapped out of it last summer and got my priorities straight. Now its just a hobby to me and thats what it should be.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Great post

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    But most people SUCK! They only end up using you or screwing you over so I'm glad I've ditched my circle of friends
    yep...kinda what Ive been thinkin

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