Just started a new diet and began tanning, trying to see if I can get lean enough to consider competing in a bodybuilding contest next year. I'll be 40 years old this summer and am considering it, if I think I can get my bodyfat under control, I'll be in the Masters category, right? I've been in Iraq for awhile, injured my back and so I haven't made as much progress as I'd like, but really needing some help with what to work on hardest. I changed my program two weeks ago centered around legs, because I know they are lacking. I was on a bulking cycle and working around chest for the last three months for a new max. 5' 6", stay around 190#, bench currently 375# for 1rm. I'm trying to lose 10 lbs of fat without losing any muscle or strength over a 60 day trial period. Two of the pics, me in the dark blue shorts, are from December of 2004, the other three were taken March 10th, 2006. Okay, critique away!