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Thread: got pulled over

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California

    got pulled over

    Hey guys just wanted to tell you what happend today. I was pretty flammed about it. I don't know if this happends to anyone of you or probably more to me since I'm a minority. Well I live in North Cali in a nice town with mostly the population being hispanic but still the majority is white. Well I was driving at normal speed and this cop turns around real quick and goes right behind me, I think to my self " shit I don't recall any speeding or doing anything bad" turns out that I make a turn to exit the main street and he pulls me over. His face is all jacked like he wants to hurt me and shit. He looked kinda racial to me. He gets off the car and says " do you know why I pulled you over " of course I said no. " Well you have a missing license plate in the front of your car Besides is it a rental and makes a laugh" I said no it isn't, actually paid cash and heres my drivers license, registration, and I can't find my insurance. He said this is not the registration, I said sorry thats for my 2002 745, this is a 2005 750 sorry. He looked and said, " I'll be right back and started calling the license plate and a bunch of other shit. I could see from the mirror that he hated my ****en guts. Maybe because I'm only 27 and successful and shit. I then start looking in my glove compartment and find my insurance, I get off really fast and walk towards him looking at him the whole time. " He then gets really scared and says " don't ever approach me like that, you are scarring me, now get back in the car." i said, well here is the insurance you wanted. He said, " get back in the car you're scarring me." I get back in the car and then another two cops show up and start to look around the ****en car like if it were stolen. Then after 10 more minutes he gives me a fix it ticken and a look like **** you. Does this happend to some people besides me. I mean I know that I took the license plate off the front but don't they have better shit to do then pick on little shit. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    wow...that sucks man.....i got pulled over for that too but my parents were in the car and they told our jackass local cop to quite being a dick

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    with mostly the population being hispanic but still the majority is white.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    well what I meant was the majority was hispanic but the people in charge in town are mostly white. Not a big city but about 150-180,000 people

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831
    well what I meant was the majority was hispanic but the people in charge in town are mostly white. Not a big city but about 150-180,000 people
    hmmmmmmm my city only has 10000 in it.........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Was it a thin black cop? If so I see that guy all over town and he always looks pissed off. I once saw him yell at two 16 kids for half hour because they were in there car parked in a no parking zone checking the surf. I always laugh when I see him down town because he is normally doing something stupid like writing a ticket for someone rolling through a stop sign on a bike.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Back when I had long hair, some dickhead white cop in East Texas pulled me over. I was doing the speed limit (45) on a road that anyone in their right mind would have been doing 60 on. The cop asked me, "Why are you going so slow?" and I said, "Because the speed limit sign back there said 45, and I wasn't gonna go any faster with you right behind me." So he says, "Huh," and he gave me a written warning to obey the speed limit (still don't know why). Then he started asking questions about what I was doing in that part of Texas (I was looking for real estate to buy) and what I had in the car and looked through the windows, asked me if I had any contraband in there. I said no. He said, "Mind if I take a look?" and like a fool, I said yes (I didn't know I could say no). He poked around and pulled out a broken CB radio and said, "What are you doing with a police radio?"
    Anyway, to make a long story short, he finally figured that I didn't have any contraband and he let me go. The only reason he picked on me was my long hair (I'm a white guy, and the cop was white). It will be a loooooooooooong time before I take my white as s out to that godforsaken part of the world, as that sort of BS is pretty common out there (heard similar stories, various races & etc from other folks). Screw 'em . . .


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    most cops are dicks....and alot are racist.....cant really tell if he was out of line...cause i am white and have been treated like a peice of the filth of the country, this is when i was goin home in one of the nicest towns in long island, (not braggin) but i have been pulled over smokin weed, and talked the way out of it....but cops do hate it when u approach them...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    dude...seriously...are you hispanic? I mean i deal with alot of shit cus i am from cops and i do tend to speed...but you should know what you can do and CAN'T do. Simple rules to follow

    1) be respectful and never argue...that's what court is for
    3) Don't dig in your glove box or in your car unless the cop is in your window and you let him know what you are looking for

    If you don't know these well enough...then trust HAVE NOT met a racist cop yet. And that "im successful at 27 attitude" may not know that you are showing it...but if that went through your head...i promise you it showed in facial features or tone of voice.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    Yeah I'm hispanic and I think I did do wrong to get off the car and approach him really fast. He was getting on my nerves for something small like a license plate and turning it into something big. I just though that i work really hard and long hours to put up with shit like this sucks. It's like you take three steps forward and then someone tries to pull you one step back. I also went to court once for a yellow light, the cop said it was red and I took him to court. The ****er was like half a mile away and I know he couldn't see shit unless he had eagle eyes but he beat me. The judge just said that he was an officer of the law and that his word counted more then mine. So I got busted for it. The worst one was in another town, Got pulled over and a ticker for going 66 on a 65 mph freeway with my mom on the passenger side. I couldn't believe the shit either. Had to pay $25 and go to traffic school.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    dude, to the cop, your driving around with no front plate, no registration, and no insurance.....but it's because of your race???? please, maybe he was doing his job. the fact is, no plate is not the reason he pulled you over, the reason is no plate usually means more. most people don't just drive around with missing plates. i'm sure 8 out of 10 times he pulls over a car with a missing plate, he finds a stolen car or some other much bigger crime. when the cop leaves and says.."ok, wait here" and you get out, he's thinking this guys about to do something. he's by himself doing a job where people don't like him, and if they had a warrent or something, he knows that they might do anything to get out of it. so why make it out to be more then it was..he needs to be carefull, and control the situation. more cops come...thats normal, if there is a cop doing a stop and there is another unit near by that is not busy, they are expected to come by, just to make sure that the officer is ok. dude, you need to grow up, and stop blaming everything you do on something else. you should have had a plate, and you didn't...your fault!!

    now, parts of this post i can't help but laugh at...

    1)He looked kinda racial to me.

    2)I don't know if this happends to anyone of you or probably more to me since I'm a minority. (what getting pulled over because we break the, just minorities.....)

    3)mostly the population being hispanic but still the majority is white.

    4)I could see from the mirror that he hated my ****en guts.

    5)get back in the car you are scarring me..(i'm sure thats what he said)

    8)Got pulled over and a ticker for going 66 on a 65 mph freeway..(got to call a big old BS on that one. you CAN NOT get pulled over for less then 5 mph over the posted speed. the cop may have cut you a deal and wrote it for 66 in a 65, but please, you did not get clocked at that.)

    7)don't they have better shit to do then pick on little shit.(you just called yourself a little shit...hahaha) ****think about that next time someone steals your car, rips the plates off and drives down the road...think, good thing they didn't pull him over and find my car, they have better things to do.

    P.S. You got OUT of the were not on top of it, and you did not get off the car..........sorry, but you said it three times.

    I know i sound like a dick to you, but you are being real ignorant posting these things, and hey, you asked.

  12. #12
    I have to agree mostly with the post above me...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    dude...seriously...are you hispanic? I mean i deal with alot of shit cus i am from cops and i do tend to speed...but you should know what you can do and CAN'T do. Simple rules to follow

    1) be respectful and never argue...that's what court is for
    3) Don't dig in your glove box or in your car unless the cop is in your window and you let him know what you are looking for

    If you don't know these well enough...then trust HAVE NOT met a racist cop yet. And that "im successful at 27 attitude" may not know that you are showing it...but if that went through your head...i promise you it showed in facial features or tone of voice.
    totally agree. those are three huge rules for dealing with cops. It won't garantee you getting out of a ticket, but the cop feels more at ease. put yourself in their shoes, they don't know who they're pulling over. and I'll add
    #4. keep your hands in sight all the time--esp when he first pulls you over, on the wheel.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    Ollllo is so right! every point you made was right on the mark. yes, we all feel like we have been unfairly treated when we get busted for something, but, its the law, the cop was being a cop. if i saw a car with no reg plate id immediately think summit was up. i cannot stand the way some people make out that everything that effects them in a negative way is a race thing. its not, get over it. i work as a bouncer in england and spain and heres a prime example: we stop a black guy at the door, tell him he cannot come in the club tonight. he immediately brings up his colour as being the reason we arent letting him in. no, mate, its the fact that last weekend you tried to bottle someone lol. i hate pricks

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cops have changed over the last couple of years.

    They used to be a lot more friendlier i think 5 years ago.
    same goes for the Magistries and Judges.. they're all mean, pissed and after money now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    sounds like overthere all ur coppas are stupid hillbillys

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Cops have changed over the last couple of years.

    They used to be a lot more friendlier i think 5 years ago.
    same goes for the Magistries and Judges.. they're all mean, pissed and after money now.
    it's the chicken and the egg....I'm not so sure cops have changed, as society has, and they in a sense have to be stricter

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    most cops are dicks....and alot are racist.....cant really tell if he was out of line...cause i am white and have been treated like a peice of the filth of the country, this is when i was goin home in one of the nicest towns in long island, (not braggin) but i have been pulled over smokin weed, and talked the way out of it....but cops do hate it when u approach them...
    So happy you didn't get busted for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of a mind altering drug.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    i'm sure 8 out of 10 times he pulls over a car with a missing plate, he finds a stolen car or some other much bigger crime.
    seriously man...NO...8 out of 10 times its a guy with a nice car that wasn't designed to have a front plate or that it ruins the clean look to the car...after all front plate is NOT required for all states in the U.S. I agree the guy made mistakes there but it's seriously naive to think that a cop won't profile some one. I have been called "boy " more times than i'd like to count. I have had a cop ask me for my green card (which isn't legal yet) and i don't even speak spanish :P The rules I follow (That i posted earlier) were not to get out of a ticket but to make sure that the cop doesn't feel "threatened" by me and shoot me in the face or take me to the ground (which has happened before for no reason).

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    yeah, well I'm not saying that all cops are bad. I have friends that are really nice and try to do whats right always. The problem is that we have some that give the rest a bad name.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    seriously man...NO...8 out of 10 times its a guy with a nice car that wasn't designed to have a front plate or that it ruins the clean look to the car...after all front plate is NOT required for all states in the U.S. I agree the guy made mistakes there but it's seriously naive to think that a cop won't profile some one. I have been called "boy " more times than i'd like to count. I have had a cop ask me for my green card (which isn't legal yet) and i don't even speak spanish :P The rules I follow (That i posted earlier) were not to get out of a ticket but to make sure that the cop doesn't feel "threatened" by me and shoot me in the face or take me to the ground (which has happened before for no reason).
    guess what, carrying a conceled weapon is legal in some states......but if i go to jersey and carry one....i'm breaking the law and will go to jail........what does saying "it's not the law in all states" have to do with anything? in his state it was the law. end of story. they ask you for your green card(aka id) how dare they, it's almost like they want to enforce some sort of laws or some people.......

    it ruins the cool look....hahaha, yeah, i just took my break lights off the other day so i could shave the rear down and make it look cooller, but for some reason, the cops didn't like that either..danm cops, they don't know whats cool anymore.....

    "I have had a cop ask me for my green card (which isn't legal yet) and i don't even speak spanish"

    so two don't even speak spanish.. so it was not a race thing at all, he just needed id...

    and..why were you talking to this cop in the first place? let me guess, you where minding your own business, going about 2 miles over the speed limit, and that dick just pulled you over to F with you i right?

  22. #22
    "His face is all jacked like he wants to hurt me and shit. He looked kinda racial to me".

    Sir , I think you might be the racist.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    yes cus asking for a green card is the exact same thing as asking for id...I don't have a green card...cus i'm a citizen....born and raised so why would you ask? Especially if you have my drivers license already? Because i'm hispanic? considering the large population of hispanic's in the world (dark and light) would it be logical to ask all people whom you profile to be not a natural american ?

    See if you look at my posts here you'll see I am not saying that I or the original poster was free of guilt...we all bend laws from time to time. But you should look at your posts which are so positive that officer's are free from any sort of racism or guilt simply because they are officers. Modest doubt is call’d the beacon of the wise.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    being polite goes a long way,

    the tone of your post sounded like you were being very defensive toward him at the time

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Ok I dont know who posted it, but someone said something regarding having an attitude that your successful. Well ya know what, what is wrong with having an attitude that your successful? To be 27 years old, and own both an 02' 745 and a brand new 750, Im sure he worked extremely hard and put in a lot of time in college to get to where he is. Theres nothing wrong with having pride in your accomplishments.

    Police are there to enforce the laws, not to enforce the laws on you because you are successful and they're jealous. You should not be required to tuck your dick and balls between your legs and act like a pussy just because the cop wants you to be submissive to him, because hes most likely on a ****ing power trip. I respect the position that cops play in our society, keeping the streets clean of real hardened criminals not fit to be in society. But I have all too often been the victim of over zealous, insecure, napoleon complex cops with an axe to grind because Im extremely young and driving an expensive car. A lot of cops have some sort of complex from when they were younger which drives them to become cops and power trip.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    being polite goes a long way,

    the tone of your post sounded like you were being very defensive toward him at the time

    yah...kinda does doens't it... wasn't my intention :P

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    sorry if i misunderstood you, but when you said....

    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    I have had a cop ask me for my green card (which isn't legal yet) and i don't even speak spanish :P
    I thought you were saying that you were not a citizen yet, and your green card was not legal.... also, you did not point out the fact that he had your DL already. well, that could be looked at as an insult, but either way, just him being an ass to you does not really make a difference. weather the cop liked you or not, does not matter, either way you broke the law in the first place, and should be getting the ticket.

    think about this.....your sitting on the side of the road, and a car speeds past you at 60 MPH, the speed is 50MPH. could you see the age, race, and yearly income of that person as they flew by?......NO. all the cop sees is a person breaking the law. now, they pull the person over, now they can see the race and all, but the law has already been broken, the person already deserves the ticket. A bad cop may give some people a break and not others, but even if the cop does not give you a break, why would you expect one, like it's just known that he should, and then when he doesn't, he's being racist?
    sorry, but unless you truly did nothing wrong, and the cop just made up the charge,(in which case there is court for that type of thing) I don't think you have any room to complain.

    when people say things like "the cop hated me, so he gave me a ticket..." i just laugh. it's like, ok are you sure you didn't break the law, maybe that's why you got the ticket. it's always easier to blame your shit on someone else (the cop) then to take the blame and realize the cop wrote me a ticket because of ME. I alwasy try to live by the saying "the buck stops here" if i screw up, my bad, pushing my faults on someone else will get me nowhere in life, and will probably make people not want to be around me.

    "life sucks, Buy a ****ing helmet"

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    lol... naw... i wasn't saying that i didn't deserve the ticket...i have a heavy foot... no denying it. BUT...I've been put on the ground before while they "check for warrents"... i have had a gun pointed at my head despite the fact that I didn't move and had my hands on the steering wheel. Gotta say... I didn't deserve either for speeding less than 15 mph over the speedlimit. The point of the original story wasn't to bitch....there are racist people everywhere, it was to tell the original poster that it's hard enough to deal with that crap when you aren't doing anything let alone walking back to a cop in his car with no partner / backup.

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