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Thread: Help a new guy out, question about DEADLIFTS.

  1. #1

    Exclamation Help a new guy out, question about DEADLIFTS.

    Ok, so my first question, and a stupid one, is, should I do deadlifts on leg day or back day??

    Second question, can someone explain to me what should burn more after doing deads, hams or low back? I did deadlifts the other day after doing squats and leg press. I only did 135 because I am coming off of an injury, and so I don't know if it was being rusty or fatigue from squats, but I got really tired after just two sets of deads. I am not a small guy, I am 6'2" 205lbs. How much should I be able to dead? Sorry if these are stupid questions, I am just trying to learn. REDROCK

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I'm not a powerlifter, but It does depend on what type of deads you do will affect different body parts, i.e. straitlegged=more Hams than regular. I do my deads on Leg day. My lower back already gets a good workout through bent-over rows.

    Hope that helps, Pete should be able to answer all your back questions.
    He's seems to be a back expert.
    Last edited by Tystick; 08-02-2002 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #3
    bump...can anyone else help?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    If you're just starting out I would do DL's on back day. Your legs will be dead tired and it will only affect your DL in a negative way.

    At first everything should be sore (traps, back, legs) If you workout your lower back then the soreness should only be in your legs.

    If you're tired then not to worry, DL's are very taxing on the body and that's why you should train them seperately from legs.

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