Originally Posted by
-Gear/ what stuff is better then hGH? I don't want to sound like a dick, but my experience is you can lose around 10-15% BF over a 6 month period with minimal dieting and exercise...not zero dieting and exercise but minimal if the hGH is at the proper dosage...do you mean clen or something? cause clen is decent but it is just like an ECA stack and requires alot of effort to actually get the fat to mobilize, which is usually the most difficult part of BF cutting. The only other thing that is effective in cutting fat very well, that I know of, is DNP and it's pretty dangerous but probably works the best...is there something else I am missing? the best method that I could think of would be clen, hGH, cardio and diet and maybe T3 and I think all that together would shed fat like a bat out of hell...maybe I am missing some super compund that is not discussed on this site. by the way, people are always saying hGH is expensive but damn, with the sources available these days it is rediculously cheap...I mean you can run pretty decent dosage of jin for $200/month 5/2...and thats not counting cheaper hGH or generics