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Thread: Hgh, I Have A Dilemma...?

  1. #1

    Hgh, I Have A Dilemma...?

    HEY GUYS! im all set w/ purchasing hgh. i ordered 2 kits to start me off.. im gonna be doing hgh as a fat burner & just to keep me lean. i will be doing 2iu's/day for the first week 5/2 split.. then i will increase it to 4iu's/day 5/2 split..

    my dilemma is:

    - i cant afford to do this for 6 months straight (at this time in life) & i know hgh's full effects will benefit if taking for 6 months or more. my question is:

    1. can i take this for 3-4 months & still burn some stomach fat or get any results from it.. if not let me know..please

    otherwise i will just do away w/ this hgh & go buy my new 06' mustang gt that im dying to get.. im stuck between 2 worlds & the main moral of this thread is :


    please help guys w/ input, thanks..

  2. #2
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    If you are going to run a cycle DO IT RIGHT. There should be no half assing with your health and body. I am not saying this to be a dick but you should have everything on hand before you start. I would just make sure your diet is in check and up your cardio. Try and ECA stack or maybe some Clen and T3 (Much Cheaper) or you can try going the igf route.

  3. #3
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    No, it's not worth it. Get your Stang. Your better off taking 2 IU's the entire time and then save for another kit and so on..But 4iu's in a short run is worthless......To me, GH cycle are worthless. It's something you stay on, ALWAYS.....

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    If you are going to run a cycle DO IT RIGHT. There should be no half assing with your health and body. I am not saying this to be a dick but you should have everything on hand before you start. I would just make sure your diet is in check and up your cardio. Try and ECA stack or maybe some Clen and T3 (Much Cheaper) or you can try going the igf route.
    let me clear something up.. im no way over weight or fat.. i just came off a steroid cycle.. i am muscular & im on pct right now w/ clen & its working great. i have all i need to know about hgh from my old threads in the past, but then i was looking to do it as a long run, but now i just want to know if this will benift me at all by running it for 3 months, cause my plans have changed.. thanks for the input, but let me know otherwise..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    No, it's not worth it. Get your Stang. Your better off taking 2 IU's the entire time and then save for another kit and so on..But 4iu's in a short run is worthless......To me, GH cycle are worthless. It's something you stay on, ALWAYS.....
    so PUFF, would u say that 2iu's will be ok to lose some belly fat if taken for 3-4 months? i just ordered 2 kits.. let me know if anything will come of this..

    i have no choice now but to use the kits knowing my money is wasted, but i should still give it a shot.. will 2iu's atleast give me some leaness or some well being.. please help.

  6. #6
    hmm, buy the stang and clean up your diet and add a bit of cardio after PCT is over. GH at 2IU's will do little to nothing run for 3months. Waste IMO...

    If you can't afford more than 2kits of GH how do you expect to pay a car note and insurance? Seems like you need to get your priorities straight and maybe think about investing or saving the little bit of money you have?
    -B D

    [email protected]
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    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    hmm, buy the stang and clean up your diet and add a bit of cardio after PCT is over. GH at 2IU's will do little to nothing run for 3months. Waste IMO...

    If you can't afford more than 2kits of GH how do you expect to pay a car note and insurance? Seems like you need to get your priorities straight and maybe think about investing or saving the little bit of money you have?

    That's what I am saying. I tried saying it nicely. You are only 27 years old and at that age 2iu's of GH will do very little for you especially only running it for three months. I would clean your diet up..It's amazing how much you will respond to a little diet tweaking.

  8. #8
    haha, I felt I put it very nicely

    You should've seen the other version!
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
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  9. #9
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    I agree; @ ur age it's a waste of $: too little 4 2 short a period. HOWEVER, I will add that MY (I'm 49) experience with 6ius/diem 4 3 mos DID get some minor additional results that could have been achieved thru more careful diet and stepping up cardio at much less $. BUT, I HAD the $ to WASTE!!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    haha, I felt I put it very nicely

    You should've seen the other version!


  11. #11
    btw, F U Frankie!
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    btw, F U Frankie!
    lolo F UUU

    Hop on messenger biatch!

  13. #13
    Do we know each other?

    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    hmm, buy the stang and clean up your diet and add a bit of cardio after PCT is over. GH at 2IU's will do little to nothing run for 3months. Waste IMO...

    If you can't afford more than 2kits of GH how do you expect to pay a car note and insurance? Seems like you need to get your priorities straight and maybe think about investing or saving the little bit of money you have?
    haha.. thanks IB, but i can afford a car & insurance, i just cant afford both w/ HGH.. u feel me.. i want my cake & i want to eat it.. but i might just settle for my car, enjoy the summer & go on hgh in 2 more years or so..

  15. #15
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    So I said to myself, self..

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    That's what I am saying. I tried saying it nicely. You are only 27 years old and at that age 2iu's of GH will do very little for you especially only running it for three months. I would clean your diet up..It's amazing how much you will respond to a little diet tweaking.
    THANKS BRO, i take ur comment seriously.. i thought 27 yrs old was a good age for me to do it, but now ill wait until im 30 & ill be ready, financially as well. i really could just diet right as im doing now, but i seriously was itching to do HGH.. ill wait & do it right later on in the future.. thanks guys.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    THANKS BRO, i take ur comment seriously.. i thought 27 yrs old was a good age for me to do it, but now ill wait until im 30 & ill be ready, financially as well. i really could just diet right as im doing now, but i seriously was itching to do HGH.. ill wait & do it right later on in the future.. thanks guys.

    I was just kidding bro. I had 10 kits waiting to be used but I decided I was still to young for the Gh and I thought maybe IGF would be a better choice. I feel what you are saying but why not save the Gh for when we really need it. When I am 30 I will be running it forever.

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
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    I would never use GH as the main cutting compound. There are plenty of other drugs out there that are much cheaper and probably more effective in terms of fat loss.

    I personally wouldn't use GH for any less than 6 months, but you may still get some results if you use it for about 4 months because visual gains start occuring between 8 - 12 weeks into the cycle.


  19. #19
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    Buy the Car.
    Last edited by Ufa; 04-14-2006 at 10:46 AM.

  20. #20
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    (To burn fat. Stop eating junk food.) Cardio.
    Stop the drinking. You should know how to loose weight with out
    spending your car money.


  21. #21
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    -Gear/ what stuff is better then hGH? I don't want to sound like a dick, but my experience is you can lose around 10-15% BF over a 6 month period with minimal dieting and exercise...not zero dieting and exercise but minimal if the hGH is at the proper you mean clen or something? cause clen is decent but it is just like an ECA stack and requires alot of effort to actually get the fat to mobilize, which is usually the most difficult part of BF cutting. The only other thing that is effective in cutting fat very well, that I know of, is DNP and it's pretty dangerous but probably works the there something else I am missing? the best method that I could think of would be clen, hGH, cardio and diet and maybe T3 and I think all that together would shed fat like a bat out of hell...maybe I am missing some super compund that is not discussed on this site. by the way, people are always saying hGH is expensive but damn, with the sources available these days it is rediculously cheap...I mean you can run pretty decent dosage of jin for $200/month 5/2...and thats not counting cheaper hGH or generics
    Last edited by Equiguns; 04-12-2006 at 07:17 PM.

  22. #22
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Equiguns
    -Gear/ what stuff is better then hGH? I don't want to sound like a dick, but my experience is you can lose around 10-15% BF over a 6 month period with minimal dieting and exercise...not zero dieting and exercise but minimal if the hGH is at the proper you mean clen or something? cause clen is decent but it is just like an ECA stack and requires alot of effort to actually get the fat to mobilize, which is usually the most difficult part of BF cutting. The only other thing that is effective in cutting fat very well, that I know of, is DNP and it's pretty dangerous but probably works the there something else I am missing? the best method that I could think of would be clen, hGH, cardio and diet and maybe T3 and I think all that together would shed fat like a bat out of hell...maybe I am missing some super compund that is not discussed on this site. by the way, people are always saying hGH is expensive but damn, with the sources available these days it is rediculously cheap...I mean you can run pretty decent dosage of jin for $200/month 5/2...and thats not counting cheaper hGH or generics
    No bro, you don't sound like a dick at all, I am always open to other peoples opinions/suggestions.

    As for compounds that are cheaper and more effective for fat loss purposes, well before I start naming any, with confidence I can say if one wants to loose fat/weight, it can be done naturally. With a proper diet and a training program shedding fat really shouldn't be a problem. It's simply how a body operates. If you eat crap, it's more than likely you will end up looking like crap. If you give your body the right food, then you will probably end up looking better than if you were feeding your body crap food. I understand some may loose fat slower than others, but sooner or later it will happen. I think the problem these days is that too many people rely on drugs. This is because so many people talk about these drugs that work so well so everyone else wants to use them too to speed up the whole process. And now doubt they do work very well, but I can tell you now they aren't necessary. IMO, enhancing drugs should only be used once you get to a dead end. What I mean by that is, once you get to the point where you really can't loose any more weight naturally. Look at the show "the biggest looser". Look how much weight all of those people loose. Do you think they take HGH shots daily, along with some DNP and clenbuterol? I somehow think not.

    Anyway, what I am trying to say is that if you want to use GH for fat loss purposes then fine, because apparently GH does shed fat. But look at how much you are paying for it. If it's worth it to you, then go for it. But I wouldn't use GH as a main cutting compound because those benfits are not worth the money. That's just what I think. As I said, you don't have to use any compounds, you can do it naturally (which costs you nothing), but if you really want to use drugs then how about clen? I find that works great. Now let's talk about DNP. I don't advise anyone to use this as it really is dangerous, but hey, DNP kicks the $hit out of HGH when it comes to loosing fat. There is nothing, and i repeat nothing that beats DNP when it comes to loosing fat. As I said, I don't advise anyone to use DNP, but I am mentioning this drug to prove my point by letting you know that there are cheaper and more effective alternatives to shedding fat. But then again, it depends on how much you pay for your HGH. I know where I live HGH is hard to come by and very expensive.

    you can lose around 10-15% BF over a 6 month period with minimal dieting and exercise...not zero dieting and exercise but minimal if the hGH is at the proper dosage
    This quote is a perfect example of what I meant by saying "everyone relys on drugs". Minimal dieting? Why minimal bro? Diet is the most important thing when it comes to shedding fat, so why minimal dieting? You said minimal dieting because you know the HGH will still make you loose fat. That is relying drugs.

    do you mean clen or something? cause clen is decent but it is just like an ECA stack and requires alot of effort to actually get the fat to mobilize, which is usually the most difficult part of BF cutting
    Bro, the whole process of loosing fat is difficult, but that's just how it is. Loosing fat can be done, but it ain't easy.

    Now nothing can beat HGH, T3, clen, DNP and insulin for shedding fat. Ok well maybe not insulin for loosing fat but we will include it anyway as it works great with HGH. That combo would be awsome, but to me, I would rather save money and take a bit longer to reach my goal. So basically what I am trying to say is that, using HGH for fat loss purposes won't really make much difference in terms of fat loss when compared to a good diet, training program and clen for example. That is cheaper. DNP on the other hand is the king of all fat eating compounds, so once again using that would be cheaper and more effective when compared to HGH in terms of fat loss.

    I know many that use GH and have stated that GH never really made them loose that much BF. Probably as much as anything else would, except they paid more $ for it.

    We can talk about this all day and night, because we are always going to come across different opinions. Some will say GH is no good for fat loss, some will say its great. At the end of the day, if you like the results its brining you and you don't mind spending the money, then keep on doing what you are doing. I know where I am from HGH is very expensive, and to pay that much for it just to use it to loose fat simply wouldn't be worth it because the results isn't worth the price I would pay for it.


  23. #23
    Gear's Avatar
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    I suppose I am just one of those people that likes to save $ by doing it the harder way.


  24. #24
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    When you loose weight using Gh and stop. Guess what? It will come back!!
    Staying slender is a way of life.

  25. #25
    well said guys & GEAR especially.. just to let u know the main intension was to give hgh a shot & see what it does for me.. i have no problem burning fat, i cut very easily, but it is true what gear said. "to many people these days rely on drugs cause of other ppl saying how good it worked for them", u r absolutely right.. i wrestled in highschool & then some after in tournements so i know the routine we did to burn fat & build stamina.. im gonna stick w/ my old routine.. thanks guys..

  26. #26
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    brutha, at 27 you should just focus on cardio and a helathy diet... BUT since you have it on hand i would run 2 IU's ed, 5/2, that's 20 weeks of expensive fat burning... i am doing the same dosage... i just got 1200 IU's and plan on bumping to 4 IU's ed, 5/2. i am going to throw some Bold EQ200 in as well as some Test CYP. the combination will be much better for me at 4 IU's ed. so if you want to stretch it out only do the 2 IU's ed/5/2! remember, always make sure you get your entire supply prior to start! good luck!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Smoothb001
    brutha, at 27 you should just focus on cardio and a helathy diet... BUT since you have it on hand i would run 2 IU's ed, 5/2, that's 20 weeks of expensive fat burning... i am doing the same dosage... i just got 1200 IU's and plan on bumping to 4 IU's ed, 5/2. i am going to throw some Bold EQ200 in as well as some Test CYP. the combination will be much better for me at 4 IU's ed. so if you want to stretch it out only do the 2 IU's ed/5/2! remember, always make sure you get your entire supply prior to start! good luck!
    THANKS BRO.. yeah ill use what i got at 2iu's/day for 4 months then ill forget about the gh & stick w/ cardio & diet.. thanks..

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