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Thread: Fiance found my gear!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey

    Fiance found my gear!!!!

    Hey bros!!! I usually keep my gear at a family members house so my girl wouldn't find it. I had to move it the other day to my house cause he was moving.. She was cleaning up, and she found it!! (damn I should of hid it better) One good thing is that I don't have to hide using it anymore. It was hard cause we always talk about everything, and never keep secrets from each other.. Of course her first reaction was to freak out, and then she was pissed cause I was hiding it from her..
    She was thinking I gained all the weight from the extra food(damn she's a great cook). So, I tried to talk her through it my self nada didn't work. Then she was surprised that everything she came up with I had an answer for. (Like all the sides) Telling her how the proper usage, dosages, education,supps, and help I get from you guys taught me this helped me to achieve my goal.
    Then what I did was logged into this site, and we used the search engine to answer all her questions.( thanks again for advice, and post bro's). She was so surprise about how everyone was so knowledgable here on AR she was starting to ease up, and get really interested in. (She was thinking all the time I spent on the net was looking at porn)
    She was intrigued how everyone answered questions, and if a newbie posted something the advice they got was "to do the research before doing anything" Damn this post is going to be long sorry!!
    So Here's my problem now!! after all this like i said we do everything together. I mean damn she even works here with me..
    What is good gear for a woman?? I told her I didn't want her to do it, but then she said I was being a hypocrite. She say's if I can do it she want's to do it, but first she wants to read up more on the subject.
    She can't have my gear what kind of gear can I get for her.. I told her to join the woman's only forum, but she says that I was being sexist. This is Emberrasing, but here she is.

    hi everyone i'm renee.
    i'm still concerned about this do you have to take all stuff with needles?
    will krep, and i be able to have children?
    i been hearing about something called roid rage, and i read letter on here about it. if you take this will it automatically make you mean?
    is it real bad on liver? can you get addicted to it? i want to try somethin with krep, and he told me something about my questions, but i think i would feel better about this whole thing if someone with more experience will answer questions for me. oh yeh do you think he should really feel emberassed for me coming on here and asking questions? i don't think he should. i just want to know what can really happen with this stuff before i commit to anything. i'm still skeptical about it all and him taking these, but maybe you can shed some lite on subject to make me understand more please.
    i'm 5'6" 115lbs., and i'm 24. i do aerobics, and i work out in the cellar with krep when he doesn't go to the gym. ok if i have more questions i'll be back. he want's me to go woman only forum. how do i do that? can i still come here, and talk to you guys? ok thank you very much guys, and can i maybe get a woman to give me her opinion too.
    what is a flame?
    Bro's please don't flame I know this is nuts, but it's the only way that I could put Renee's mind at ease about my gear...
    Thank's so much bro's

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Bump. Oh, and do some searches too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If the person has a bad temper all ready he could have roid rage. But you can control it everybody can. If he's on test, you'll be doing the hibbidy jibbidy alot more. But do some research.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    SE England
    Krep, Renne

    Welcome to the board, Renne.Interesting post!

    Renne, you've obviously been worried about Krep's use of AAS, but as you can see, he's put a lot of considered research behind his decision, and is onto the best board on the Net! People here are patient, knowledgeable and eager to share information with those who share their fitness goals.

    You have a lot of questions, which we'll all be happy to answer, but Krep's suggestions are good ones - you'll learn a lot from just searching on the key words behind your questions first, and joining the Female Only forum will allow you access to more information than us guys alone can offer you!

    Welcome aboard!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Aint it cool there is more on the internet then just porn?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey Renee,

    You should start your own account here. That way you can get access to the female forum. We have a lot of knowledgable females on that forum who could help you out better than we can as far as your AS usage goes. As far as your other questions:

    "i'm still concerned about this do you have to take all stuff with needles?"
    For men, you really need an injectible. As long as he is doing it right, there is nothing to be worried about. See for more information.

    "i been hearing about something called roid rage, and i read letter on here about it. if you take this will it automatically make you mean?"
    No. It can make aggressive people more aggressive because they are getting stronger and feel more powerful. If you have someone with a head on thier shoulders, they should be fine.

    "is it real bad on liver?"
    Oral steriods "pills" are toxic to the liver. There are liver protectants you can take to minimize the damage. Also, your liver wil heal itself once you stop usage.

    "can you get addicted to it?"
    It can be mentally addicting.

    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    Well done arthur

    It really comes down to alot of research and reading. It takes alot of time before any of us buy the gear needed for a cycle.

    We have thought about our diets,routine, and what we need to do before and after.

    It is really scary to find all the needles and things but once you dig a bit deeper you will see how much thought went into it.

    I encourage you to get an account here. its the best board on the net IMO.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Renee, one thing you'll notice about this board that sets it apart from others is that the members are concerned more about overall health and the safest way to use AS and not just "add this and that"!! You'll see that your other half made a very smart and healthy decision by researching about AS on this board and not just jumping in. What this board is about is open minded ppl that do alot of research not just about AS but about health in general. I'm sure you notice that the b/f is looking different( admit it he's starting to look damn good!!) and that change is from PROPER use of AS and not blindly jumping in. You should join the female fourm and soon you'll be telling some other concerned g/f about the research and concern for overall health that her b/f has shown by educating himself on this board.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    Thanks guys for all your help. I finally got her to join the female only forum, and she wrote he first post. now she won't let me get my share of the board anymore. (lol women go figure)
    thanks so much everyone you really been some great bro's on here. The first thing she made me do after looking through the post is go to the dr.'s, and get myself checked out. think we created a monster..

    thanks again guys i just hope that maybe one day i'll be able to give you my 2cc's, and help you all out too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Glad to hear it all worked out. Like everybody already said, tell her to search and not to worry to much.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Good to hear she's cool with it and educating herself also. Glad she joined too!

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