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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada

    Post All you need to know about GYNO.

    I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will stop progesterone related problems as well since it inhibits all estrogen anyways). Progesterone gyno will be enlargement of your nipple area, the actual aereola, not a lump under it.

    Let me make this first point very clear, as I state in my signature this is from my personal experience, so whether you agree with it or not is your own issue. I have helped many people with gyno and it has worked just fine for them as well.

    To first understand why you are doing what you are doing I am going to go over a few things and a few definitions:

    SERMSelective estrogen receptor modulator. These drugs work by binding to the estrogen receptors and flooding them in a sense, making it difficult (but not impossible by any means) for estrogen to bind to the receptors and thus prevent the onset of estrogen related side effects.
    Most common forms: Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Clomiphene (Clomid)
    AIAromatise Inhibitor. These drugs work by inhibiting the aromatization of estrogen. This means that in effect AI’s prevent androgens from converting to estrogen, again, making it difficult (but not impossible) for estrogen to reach receptor sites.
    Most common forms: Anastrozole (l-dex, a-dex), Exemestane (aromasin), Femera (letrozole). For our purpose of reversing gyno we are interested in Letro.

    Letro and your sex drive:
    Letrozole will suppress your sex drive. This is another reason why it is so important to act on preventing gyno as soon as possible. Since we all know that Test should be run in every cycle this will cancel out the effect of sex drive suppression.

    Running letro to prevent gyno:
    If you decide to run estrogen protection while on cycle (and I suggest you do unless you are aware that you do not require it), you can run either a SERM or an AI. Letro will be the most powerful AI you can use, it will inhibit 98+% of estrogen using a dose as low as .25mg and even lower. This is why I suggest you do not use a dose higher than .50mg while on cycle just trying to prevent estrogen related side effects.

    You will want to start running the letro approximately 2 weeks before you begin your cycle to allow it to fully stabilize in your blood. I have often heard the argument that letro takes up to 60 days to stabilize, I don’t know if I buy into this for the reason that I have reversed gyno after using letro for only 1 week. Still to be safe I recommend starting it before your cycle as stated above.

    If you do decide to run letro there is absolutely no need to run another AI or SERM. Do not make the mistake of thinking more is better. Think of it this way; if letro is preventing the conversion of androgens to estrogen than there is no estrogen, what would the purpose of a SERM be when there is no estrogen to bind to the receptors? Nolva will only take away from the effectiveness of letro.

    This brings me to my next point. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to bump up your nolvadex to 60+mg ED if you get gyno. I have no idea where this idea started but I have seen it suggest far too many times recently. Nolvadex will do nothing to reverse your gyno…let me make that clear IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR GYNO. If you are running nolva as your anti-e and start to develop gyno than sure you can bump the dosage a small amount to try to prevent it from progressing further, but letrozole must begin ASAP.

    It is very important that you begin taking letrozole immediately, the longer your wait the more risk you take in not being able to reverse it.

    How do I know if I have gyno?
    If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch.

    Running letro to reverse gyno:
    I am going to go over the three different scenarios which people could fit into. Remember regardless of what scenario you are in it is important that you begin taking the letro ASAP.

    1. Already using an anti-e aside from letro.
    2. Already using letro @ a dose of .25mg or .50mg ED.
    3. Not running any estrogen protection.

    Day 1: .25mg Letro + anti-e*
    Day 2: .50mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 4: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 6: 2.5mg Letro **

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    *Regardless of the anti-e you are using it is important to still use it for the first day you begin letro as the letro will not have taken any effect and you by no means want your body to be without any protection when gyno is already prevalent.

    ** You will remain at this dose until gyno symptoms subside. Once you believe your gyno is gone it is important to stay at this dose for another 4-7 days to ensure all traces are gone. I recommend people with a bf% over 15 stay on for a week as it may be harder to judge completely whether the lump is completely gone. Once this period is over it will be important to taper letro down slowly rather than coming off it completely. Regardless of which manner you tapered up your dose you will all taper down in the same fashion.

    Day 1: 2.0mg
    Day 2: 1.5mg
    Day 3: 1.0mg
    Day 4: .50mg***
    Day 5: .25mg
    ***You can remain at this dose or go down further to .25mg. It is really up to you at this point. They are both very common maintenance doses as an anti-e while on cycle. Personally I have stayed with .25mg and never had a problem.

    Letro and the estrogen rebound:
    With your estrogen being completely inhibited there is a definite estrogen rebound as your body tries to re-stabilize the testosterone:estrogen balance. We can prevent this rebound effect by supplementing further with another AI or SERM. So, I suggest that when you are coming to the end of your cycle you will more than likely be using Nolva in your PCT so just make sure that you begin taking nolva the last day you are going to take your letro and then continue on as you would with regular PCT.

    This now leads us into the question of reversing gyno while not on cycle. There are a few things to remember here. You have already waited longer than you should have, and your sex drive will be shot. You can use tribulus or another natural test booster to help you in this scenario but I can’t guarantee the effectiveness. Just follow gyno reversal protocols 2 or 3. When coming off again you must taper and begin using nolvadex to prevent any rebound effect that may occur.

    How much nolvadex should you use if you are not going into PCT and running this off cycle? I suggest starting at 20mg ED for a week and then lowering it to 10mg for another week and then coming off completely.

    I hope this covers most of the issues, still feel free to PM me if you have questions. But make sure you read the entire post first.

    I will ignore PM's that have an answer covered in this post already.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    very good info bump that..clears up alot of question folks have.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    and if this has not helped feel free to pm the Tit doctor himself....C-Bino...............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The 305
    Great Post...chocfulla great info...

    one question will LiquiDex 30mL 1mg/mL work as Letro 30mL?

    The liquidex was bought for my PCT along with Clomi/Tamox Combo, but should i get some Letro to have on hand an use incase of signs?

  6. #6
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    and if this has not helped feel free to pm the Tit doctor himself....C-Bino...............
    I made this to hopefully alleviate the number of PM's I get regarding the subject...Tit Doctor, thats awesome. I should have it stamped as my title.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Great post bro!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ok i had sensitive nipples( iques that was superdrol induced gyno) before my cycle so 1 week before my test enth cycle i started letro(2.5 - 4 days) and when droped to 0.5, so now i am 1 week into my cycle and 2 weeks in letro but my gyno looks like progresing, should i bump letro to 2.5mg and keep it till gyno( this gyno is rely smal but i can feel bumps and nipples are f....... sensitive) goes away

  9. #9
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by stumbras
    ok i had sensitive nipples( iques that was superdrol induced gyno) before my cycle so 1 week before my test enth cycle i started letro(2.5 - 4 days) and when droped to 0.5, so now i am 1 week into my cycle and 2 weeks in letro but my gyno looks like progresing, should i bump letro to 2.5mg and keep it till gyno( this gyno is rely smal but i can feel bumps and nipples are f....... sensitive) goes away
    Well from what you describe it sounds like you have gyno, try using the strategy I listed above and see how it goes man, you arent far into your cycle so its the perfect time to do it.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Good solid advice, excellent thread

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    good shit! I will save this just in case.

  12. #12
    hey Bino thanks for the post bro, i always make sure to look at the threads u contribute to because your info is 100% solid! i am going to save this page to my hard drive in case i ever have a problem with my tits.....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Great Post C Bino! i mean titty doctor

  14. #14
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by smmrsm2000
    hey Bino thanks for the post bro, i always make sure to look at the threads u contribute to because your info is 100% solid! i am going to save this page to my hard drive in case i ever have a problem with my tits.....
    Thanks man, Im here to help like everyone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicvenom
    Great Post C Bino! i mean titty doctor
    LOL. Thanks man, it took a long time to get my PhD but its paying off...

  15. #15
    Good post. Maybe sticky material.

  16. #16
    Excellent post, definitely appreciated......

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Show Me State
    Great info

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    love the post, def answers a lot of questions...including some i had myslef, great info!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    wicked post just about covers it

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    C_Bino this is a great threade bro. Whats your view on using Arimidex instead of Letro ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    In the basement
    After C bino responds to the anove by Kale I'm copying this thread for future reference...great info.

  22. #22
    Bino is the shit, I can smell you from here! Everyone should get a whiff

  23. #23
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    Arimidex vs. letro in terms of gyno reversal...letro hands down. In terms of AI during cycle both are excellent, you really cant compare them, letro will keep you drier imo if you are looking for low bloat especially if you are doing a pre-contest cycle, but arimidex will allow more estrogen to remain in your system, so for you pansies who think you need some estrogen in your system to have more gains than by all means use a-dex brothas.
    You know what, Anti-e's of any sort, whether AI or SERM is SUCH a personal issue that you will hear disagreements about it everywhere. Do what works for you, and take into consideration that any advice anyone gives you on this board concerning anti-e's and even PCT is just that, its advice, its not a RULE or GUIDELINE that you must follow.
    I personally like letro, people tell me well with no estrogen there can be hazardous effects on your immune system, you know what on paper MAYBE, in my personal experience NO. As long as you support your immune system with proper nutrition (vitamins and anti-oxidants) I dont think you will ever have a prob. So if you want a sure-fire way of reducing estrogen go with letro. But hey, experiment and try different things, if I didnt I never would have been able to make this and learn boys but be aware of WHAT and WHY you are doing what you are doing.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Bubba Army
    awesome post bino. you answered alot of questions/concerns i had

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB
    Bino is the shit, I can smell you from here! Everyone should get a whiff
    HAHAHAHA, you fvckin bastard...

  26. #26
    haha, great post "tit-dr".

    No mention of aromasin, great compound as well!
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 04-16-2006 at 01:46 AM.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks for the reply Bro, just one more question and I will shut up. Does Armidex have the same effect on your sex drive as Letro ?

  28. #28
    Excellent thread! but i have a question if i run proviron with my test (test+eq+dbol for start) and 0,25mg of letro EOD will it prevent gyno?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Last edited by farrebarre; 04-16-2006 at 10:06 AM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    So BD wants me to talk about aromasin...well I was making this thread just because I get so many PM's about gyno. Aromasin is great, awesome for PCT as well, which letro isnt. But I was just making this to help people with gyno as well and Letro is #1 for this without a doubt.

    As for arimidex and sex drive, I dont think it will be an issue. Its not as powerful as letro.

    And as for running say ,letro and proviron...I cant tell you if it will prevent gyno for YOU, like i said anti-e's are case-specific man, what works for me may not work for you, some people are more prone to certain sides.

  31. #31
    I heard letro is for little guys, is that true Bino?
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Good info....

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    im running pct right now, 40 nolva/ed and 100 clomid/ed.
    cycle was 600 test e and winny. im in my first week of pct and i have a gyno lump, small but still there, i want to drop the nolva and use letro but do i also drop the clomid? and does this count as my pct?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Excellent post! Sticky?

  35. #35
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    im running pct right now, 40 nolva/ed and 100 clomid/ed.
    cycle was 600 test e and winny. im in my first week of pct and i have a gyno lump, small but still there, i want to drop the nolva and use letro but do i also drop the clomid? and does this count as my pct?
    Letro will increase natural test so you could use it for PCT, but its usually not advised.

    I think the best thing to do would be run your PCT to an end and then start up the gyno reversal protocol.

    Big k.l.g. takes the credit for this issue. Gyno reversing during PCT is a bad situation to be in because SERM's reduce the effectiveness of letro, I wish I had a better answer for you but its a very tuff situation.
    Go with the advice of big k.l.g. and run PCT out and then start letro up.
    Last edited by C_Bino; 04-17-2006 at 12:31 PM.

  36. #36
    wow great thread bingo this cleared up a lott
    so when will we see the name change to boob man

  37. #37

    "B I N G O"!!!
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    This isnt the first time on the site someone has called me Bingo. Oh well just call me Dr. Mc Tits from now on, it will make things easier...

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Good information Bino.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    appreciate the re-post

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