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Thread: New Hard Drive Crash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    New Hard Drive Crash

    Guys I bought a 300 gig seagate HD a week ago and it has been working OK, but today it wont power up. I have changed the cases and the power supplies and I am certain its the drive. Now the issue is I want to take it back, but it is full of porn movies. That is a real issue where I live as its illegal to have such things here. What can I do to the drive short of physically damaging it, which will void the warranty, that will erase whats on it, or at least make it unreadable by the factory. I have heard of magnets but does that really work for sure. Any help here would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    pretty easy thing to do....if the drive is being detected but not working...then plug it in as your primary (and only hd if you wanna be safe)...go to your bios menu and there is something there called low level format. That will fry it nice and good....if it's not being detected at all...I personally woudln't worrya bout it since most hd's are so cheap now, most manufactures aren't even going to attempt to recover it...they'll just give you a new one since it only cost about 9 bucs in materials to make :P...but if you are really paranoid about it...just put a nice sized speaker magnet to it over a good 5 hours. It has to be a strong enough magnet that when it gets near a tv is affects the color slightly (don't hold it near a tv to long cus it will cause color spots). That's roughly the strength that will lift a good .lb in the air.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    oh one more can stick your hd in the freezer for a good 30 minutes and then plug it in your computer...that usually makes jacked hd's work for a good 5 minutes. Might give you enough time to erase whatever folder you store your pr0n in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks Zimmy. I will try the magnet, I am sure its a power problem though so I dont think the fridge will help that. I have to worry though, because its litterally a jail sentence if they do find something and report it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    what country is that out of curiosity?

  6. #6
    just drop to the ground from 2 feet up the drive will shocked out for sure , that way you dont haft to worry about the magnet trick slide it across the carpet a couple times to....any static will kill it to

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    what country is that out of curiosity?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JimBlob
    just drop to the ground from 2 feet up the drive will shocked out for sure , that way you dont haft to worry about the magnet trick slide it across the carpet a couple times to....any static will kill it to

    actually niether of those are for sure going to work. Static can get discharged on the casing and dropping it definately will not work 100% of the tiime...might not even work 20% of the time with well made hd's.

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