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Thread: does juicin at young age mess you up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    does juicin at young age mess you up?

    Hey guys, i've read lots of posts where peeps say that it's bad for you to take gear when young, say 20's. Can someone explain why it messses you up in your 20's but not at 30's, 40's etc... and in what way does it screw you!? Thnx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by eL FriJolerO
    Hey guys, i've read lots of posts where peeps say that it's bad for you to take gear when young, say 20's. Can someone explain why it messses you up in your 20's but not at 30's, 40's etc... and in what way does it screw you!? Thnx
    Juicing too young can be potentially damaging yes!

    Why is it not as damaging in your 30s and 40s?

    Namely because at that age you are a physiologically matured biological entity..

    While developing, the introduction of supramaximal exogenous hormones can stunt/stop development...both directly and indirectly.

    e.g. Testosterone supplementation:

    directly: can pause gonadal maturation... resulting in possible erectile dysfuntion etc.

    indirectly: Testosterone aromatises to increase in which normally signals the closure of the bone endings. If this closure occurs before maximum height is reached.. maximum height will NEVER be reached


    Some proposed side effects have not been documented... but should not be discounted either.

    Bottom line.. juicing before biological maturity is reached is bad.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    wo0w, as always, great answer. Thnx man, i just stepped into my 20's, but the temptation is too much, i train hard and weigh around 200lbs, but i just can't seem to gain more LBM. That's why i turned to AAS. Well, thnx again man, and i hope i don't **** up my biological system or whatever... lol thnx

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