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Thread: Opinion on Human growth hormones.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Opinion on Human growth hormones.

    I tried different compounds for the last couple of years and I found that the best one is tren, unfortunetly I don't like the side efects at all. (It makes me sleep for 15 hours a day).

    I was wondering what you guys think of HGH, do you find they are better then aas?
    (gonna do some research later i just wanted some opinions from people who tried it)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Post this in the Gh forum you will find better answers there. GH and AAS are two diff things so do some research. You can utilize the "Search" function in that forum before asking any ?'s

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    wrong forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    i dont understand what your saying bro, tren and gh are two different things and how can you sleep 15 hours a day? im lucky if i have the time to get in 7 hours a night with work, the gym and my personal life. also tren always gave me insomnia for some reason. when i use it i wake up every single hour sweating my ass off

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    i dont understand what your saying bro, tren and gh are two different things and how can you sleep 15 hours a day? im lucky if i have the time to get in 7 hours a night with work, the gym and my personal life. also tren always gave me insomnia for some reason. when i use it i wake up every single hour sweating my ass off

    I know tren an gh are 2 different things. I own my own business so I work ehrnever I want. Tren did not give me insomnia at all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    i dont understand what your saying bro, tren and gh are two different things and how can you sleep 15 hours a day? im lucky if i have the time to get in 7 hours a night with work, the gym and my personal life. also tren always gave me insomnia for some reason. when i use it i wake up every single hour sweating my ass off

    Sides vary from person to person.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Somatropin thread.
    Last edited by Ufa; 04-18-2006 at 10:17 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    USA South east
    I am not expert, but HGH combined with Test will start working and will give you exellent results in 6 Months, is very expensive, no side efects if used and not abused. Doing it for less than six months will not produce the results to justify the money spended. (This is I have been able to find out, I am in HGH and Test my self)

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