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Thread: On GH boosters while on HGH?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    On GH boosters while on HGH?

    Alright this is probably a rediculas question....But I've been on GH boosters for about a month getting ready to HGH for the first time. I'm going to be doing a 5/2 split.

    Now I know that 2 days off is proby enough time to get things working again, but if I took an GH booster, would that help jump start my glands into producing HGH on their own any faster? I know with the booster and the HGH they both need time to work but actually it seems like 1 week mini cycles that build on each other and in that case would the booster serve as my PCT? lol

    Just wanted to see what you guys thought about this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    What is a Gh booster? and I am confused on your last statement of PCT.. you are going to use GH for your PCT?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    As far as the PCT I was just making a reference to after a cycle you have to get your boys reproducing Test or whatever you were taking because they were shut down for so long. Well that is the purpose of doing a split isn't it? To make sure your body doesn't stop making HGH on it's own.

    As far as GH booster I was just talking about being on Secretagogue - one and Arginine. Things that help your body produce more HGH on it's own naturally

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    gotcha, well I am not the expert but this will be a bump for others to read..

    I do not think you need to use "PCT" on Gh.. I was under the impression that the reason people did 5/2 or 6/1 etc is more toward cost of GH not for recovery.

    On the Gh boosters I was not familiar with that at all. I mostly was confused on the PCT.. Maybe I will learn something new along with you



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    From an old Red Baron post:

    "There are studies by anti-aging groups demonstrating that a day or two off per week is adequate to protect the pituitary and its triggers over long cycles. If your use of HGH becomes more a lifestyle than a single cycle, I would consider running it 5 on/2 off, or 6 on/ 1 off until such time as we have reliable data demonstrating long-term safety sans any degradation of your own output or the triggers initiating that output"

    IF your on HGH money normally wouldn't be a concern for you because of the price of it initally.

    I was just thinking maybe using a booster on your off days would make it safer for long term use or just long cycles, 5-8 months is along time to be on anything without thinking something might deterate.

    This is probably something so minisucle and with HGH being so new that no studies has probly been done on it. Just a thoought I was kicking around in my head and thought I would get the boards ideas

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Some body please tell me what a GH booster is.. Thanks!

  7. #7
    I believe he is referring to a gh secretagogue such as GHRP-6 or even glutamine, etc. I did use Pgh from universal kits for a little while a ways back and I did feel that it was doing something. Nothing like hgh obviously but it did increase my hunger a big and I did seem to sleep more soundly on it.

    I have also thought about what you are thinking, except my thoughts were not so much for preventative health of the putuitary, but moreso just to try and keep gh pulses above a normal baseline for the days that you are off of your rhGH. I do still have some laying around but never tried it...figured it was a waste.

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