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Thread: jin><does it come as a solid block or loose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wonderful American soil!

    Unhappy jin><does it come as a solid block or loose

    Guys, go ahead and holler at me, I am tired and and need some reassurance.

    I decided to scrape the label off my jin (I wanted to look at it)and discovered it is a solid block that slides up and down the bottle. I did not notice that before (I was not looking)and I am sure it is mentioned probably somewhere here but I am REALLY feeling lethargic since starting 6 weeks ago. And I am a feeling a little sick thinking about it...Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mine's always been solid - I'd be concerned if it were powder. Are you familiar with your source?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    it should look like a solid white disc.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    it is a solid block that slides up and down the bottle.
    That's exactly what its going to look like. You're all good as long as the source is legit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wonderful American soil!
    Quote Originally Posted by D'Arcy
    Mine's always been solid - I'd be concerned if it were powder. Are you familiar with your source?

    Thanks guys, I was tripping as I was not feeling any where near this lethargic or experiencing serious sleep issues before starting and am anxious to move past this lethargic/yucky sleep stage, ><I am patient, but I normally sleep like the dead and that has also gone to sh*t since starting. Sorry to sound like a whiny baby last night, being really sleep deprived got the best of me. Thank you for listening and your feedback~!

    as far as the source, the usual pick from the 'official manufacturer distro list'>< did the preg test,'negative', and have experienced the sides discussed on this wonderful informative forum. You are appreciated!!
    Last edited by Expat; 04-05-2006 at 09:24 AM. Reason: wrong smilelyface

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I was tired too when I started, but restless sleeper. Give it time, sides will settle down. Indulge with some candy or a soda when you do your shot...the rise in your blood sugur will help.

  7. #7
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    wonderful American soil!
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    I was tired too when I started, but restless sleeper. Give it time, sides will settle down. Indulge with some candy or a soda when you do your shot...the rise in your blood sugur will help.
    Thanks, did not know that. I will try that!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wonderful American soil!


    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    I was tired too when I started, but restless sleeper. Give it time, sides will settle down. Indulge with some candy or a soda when you do your shot...the rise in your blood sugur will help.
    Speaking of,I have a question.I have ALWAYS had a sugartooth even as a kid. I have noticed now I have lost my sugartooth, like totally? I have no desire at all anymore, and this just happened after starting hgh.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This is interesting - I've always had a sweet tooth as well, but mine wasn't affected by hgh. However, since starting test cyp, it's gone! Well - could be the test, could be the clen - either way, I don't crave sugar the way I used to. It's a *good* thing .


    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Speaking of,I have a question.I have ALWAYS had a sugartooth even as a kid. I have noticed now I have lost my sugartooth, like totally? I have no desire at all anymore, and this just happened after starting hgh.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mine's always been powder... should i be concerned? i got the sides, cramping wrists and i shredded up durning the first month... btw, mine is gensci, Jin...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    wonderful American soil!


    Quote Originally Posted by D'Arcy
    This is interesting - I've always had a sweet tooth as well, but mine wasn't affected by hgh. However, since starting test cyp, it's gone! Well - could be the test, could be the clen - either way, I don't crave sugar the way I used to. It's a *good* thing .

    Yeah, it is a good thing as I was DRIVEN and had no control and had to make cookies twice a month. I would make enough so that I had raw cookie dough in the fridge and could have warm/fresh cookies almost everynight. I could not stop myself. I tried to make cookies twice now, and end up throwing the dough away.And get no enjoyment eating them. Do you mind if I ask you how you are doing/how long on the test cyp? I experimented (my Dr administered once weekly) with test cyp back in the early 90's and loved how it changed my body composition.

  12. #12
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    wonderful American soil!


    Quote Originally Posted by Smoothb001
    mine's always been powder... should i be concerned? i got the sides, cramping wrists and i shredded up durning the first month... btw, mine is gensci, Jin...
    Well, from what the others are saying here it is definitely block, I can not answer your question with any authority, sorry.. There are ways to test it, one of them being a preg test. I don't know tho if that would be considered definitive... You are lucky if you shredded up the first month, I have not experienced that and from everything I have read><everyone reacts differently to hgh.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    thnx, i just got 1200 IU's, i am def. going to run the pregnancy test...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    wonderful American soil!
    Quote Originally Posted by Smoothb001
    thnx, i just got 1200 IU's, i am def. going to run the pregnancy test...
    Good Luck!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    thnx. well, after my "carefull observance" of what is actual behind the label on the bottle i learned that it is indeed a wafer...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I've been on the test cyp for almost two months now - twice a week to avoid the highs and lows. I love it! Looking back on my life I don't think I've ever had a good hormone balance because I just feel "right" now. I've learned over the past couple of years that the ranges into which we're supposed to fit vis-a-vis hormone levels are arbitrary, and you have to really understand your own system and be willing to stand up to conventional medical wisdom in order to achieve your own optimal balance. It surprises me that even on the BB boards, people are judgemental about women using test even though they don't form the same opinions about men using far larger amounts. Hormones are human products, not gender specific in origin although perhaps in levels.


    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Yeah, it is a good thing as I was DRIVEN and had no control and had to make cookies twice a month. I would make enough so that I had raw cookie dough in the fridge and could have warm/fresh cookies almost everynight. I could not stop myself. I tried to make cookies twice now, and end up throwing the dough away.And get no enjoyment eating them. Do you mind if I ask you how you are doing/how long on the test cyp? I experimented (my Dr administered once weekly) with test cyp back in the early 90's and loved how it changed my body composition.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wonderful American soil!


    Quote Originally Posted by D'Arcy
    I've been on the test cyp for almost two months now - twice a week to avoid the highs and lows. I love it! Looking back on my life I don't think I've ever had a good hormone balance because I just feel "right" now. I've learned over the past couple of years that the ranges into which we're supposed to fit vis-a-vis hormone levels are arbitrary, and you have to really understand your own system and be willing to stand up to conventional medical wisdom in order to achieve your own optimal balance. It surprises me that even on the BB boards, people are judgemental about women using test even though they don't form the same opinions about men using far larger amounts. Hormones are human products, not gender specific in origin although perhaps in levels.

    I am realizing the standing up to conventional medical wisdom scenario and finding it difficult to find a Doc that is williing to even consider stepping outside of mainstream medicine. I do not live in an area that is progressing thinking.
    Would you mind me asking what dose you are taking (test cyp x 2 weekly). I am thinking at least I would have a baseline to consider as I am totally ignorant there. My goal is not on a pro level, but an edge on strength/energy for work outs.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Where are you located? I'll help you find someone if I can. I'm taking 20 mg test cyp SQ twice a week - and again, NO sides, just stronger workouts, more energy, better libido. It's a pretty low dose, although high for what a doctor would prescribe in a cream which is usually 5mg/ml ED - of which your body absorbs perhaps 10%. I started at 10 mg 2x week for two weeks and then bumped it up. One reason many women use test prop is because if you do develop sides, it'll be out of your system more quickly - but prop isn't great for SQ shots, and I don't really want to do IM. Just a personal fear thing.


    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    I am realizing the standing up to conventional medical wisdom scenario and finding it difficult to find a Doc that is williing to even consider stepping outside of mainstream medicine. I do not live in an area that is progressing thinking.
    Would you mind me asking what dose you are taking (test cyp x 2 weekly). I am thinking at least I would have a baseline to consider as I am totally ignorant there. My goal is not on a pro level, but an edge on strength/energy for work outs.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wonderful American soil!


    I sent you a pm

    Quote Originally Posted by D'Arcy
    Where are you located? I'll help you find someone if I can. I'm taking 20 mg test cyp SQ twice a week - and again, NO sides, just stronger workouts, more energy, better libido. It's a pretty low dose, although high for what a doctor would prescribe in a cream which is usually 5mg/ml ED - of which your body absorbs perhaps 10%. I started at 10 mg 2x week for two weeks and then bumped it up. One reason many women use test prop is because if you do develop sides, it'll be out of your system more quickly - but prop isn't great for SQ shots, and I don't really want to do IM. Just a personal fear thing.


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