I was wondering if anyone on here could help me understand what happened to me a few years ago while taking a few AS. I'll explain a little bit to you, well first off I've had panic attacks since 1999 from where I used to do drugs, I've read some other post here where others have them too. I did my first cycle of 200 D-Bol 5mg tabs in Feb. of 2000 and everything went fine while on them. Later on that year I tried my first shot and the AS was Test 200, so I got a 22 gauge 1" syringe and injected 1cc in my butt. I was told by many people who have did them many times that they never aspirate but I had read on the web to aspirate. Well I went ahead and aspirated and then injected myself, well as soon as I did it's like my head just dropped I about passed out in the floor I finally made it to my bedroom and laid down and put a washcloth on my face, the whole time I thought I was gonna die all kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. Well I didn't try that anymore. A few months later I did some more D-bol. Then later that year I started a cycle of Winstrol and D-bol, I had a 50cc vial of 50mg Winny. Well I was gonna try the shot again. This time after persuasion from a friend not to aspirate, I didn't. I took the shot without any problems this time in around the same area of the butt. Well I took about 30cc's of the Winny and asked about aspirating again, cause I was always nervous about hitting a vein. Someone told me I should then so I had a friend give me the shot and I told him to aspirate and after he did then injected same thing happened like it did with the test a year before I was laid out in the floor thinking I was gonna die awful feeling it felt like the stuff went straight in my veins like I could feel it run all through my body. After that experience a few days later I tried getting him to just inject it without aspirating and it went fine. Well I didn't do anything else for another year this time I wanted to take Winny again, so I got a 20cc vial of the 50mg and some of the 2ml vials of Deca. I was nervous about taking the shot this time since I had bad experiences before, I finally talked myself into doing it, so a friend of mine injected my butt again without aspirating and this time the same thing happened as when I did aspirate I about passed out and it felt like it ran all through my body. After that no more shots, so I got some Halotestin to take, well I took some of them and since they are oral I didn't figure there would be any problem, but after letting them dissolve under my tongue and swallowing they felt like they were running all through my body too it was crazy. After that I haven't taken anything in about 4 years, and haven't really lifted any either, but I wanted to work-out again and was wanting to take Anavar or 50mg tabs of Winstrol but scared to since I've had those bad experiences. I was wondering if anyone else could explain to me what happened those times I took the AS? Thanks for your time