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Thread: monitoring blood glucose levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    monitoring blood glucose levels

    before i endevour into a insulin cycle i was thinking of doing an experiment.

    i was thinking of using a blood glucoce monitor, and basically i was thinking i could use this to great advantage.

    i was thinking that i could do the test and witout taking in extra insulin i could know if its a good time to get some nutrients in my body according to what my blood glusose is.

    does this sound right?
    so....if my level was low, meaning insulin is high in the body i would take some supps, like bcaa's or vitamins.
    if it's high well i guess i would not take or eat anything.

    does this make sense to people?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Your idea is a great idea. Take your measurements before and after training. Then you will know how high/low your BG level is before and after training and depending on your BG level depends on how much nutrients you need, or if you need any at all. Genreally if your BG is high then there is no need for anymore carbohydrates. Any extra will be stored as fat, so keep that in mind. If your BG is low then you know there is plenty space for more carbs. You canot allow your BG to get too low, remeber that. Wether you use a BG monitor or not, you will know when your BG is low, I gurantee it. Your BG level is about how much carbs your body has, so don't worry about the vitamins, BCAA, minerals etc, only worry about carbohydrates consumption at that time. However, you will only start to see a major BG level change once you start using insulin.

    Last edited by Gear; 04-27-2006 at 05:37 AM.

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