I'm I the only one wondering goals here?
wks 1-12 Test E--------->1000mgs EW
wks 1-10 Tren-A-------->100mgs ED
wks 1-4 Halo------------> 40mgs ED
Wks 8-14 Winny---------> 100mgs ED
Now these numbers are roughly what I would do, now just apply it to yourself Tai.
I hate the idea of running Tren to the very end, I've stated that many of times and why. The combo of these will be great. Tren binds so dam hard to the AR and will kick in relatively quick. The Halo will get the ball rolling quick and hard. Test is test.
The Tren/Test/Halo combo is nice but beware of sides. As already states you can really feel like crap running them together. Then let us know your goals and and if there is a substantial caloric deficit then you're really going to feel like crap.
Winny at the end to free up and test that has been bound throughout the cylce and to finish hardening you up. Not too many winny fans on this board as I"m not the biggest either. But it fits great in that cycle andd you can easliy cut it down to 4 weeks if needed.