When you are cutting and trying to acheive a Certain BF% you have to very technical to cut down to 5%.You have guy`s that are Genetically freaky like
Dexter Jackson who can cut down to 2% with no cardio,well that`s not a reality for the most of us.The amazing thing I noticed with andriol is that it`s similar to Tbol as it increases Appetite dramatically,when your taking andriol at a rate of 1 cap per hour with food I knew I would be having problems achieving my goals.My cutting cycle was a primo biased cycle,meaning I wanted this compound to do all the work,it produces a muscle that turns me on. The cool thing about it, unlike most other steroids, is the fact that it is still very effective on a low calorie diet that I applied knowing I would cut down to 5%. And, in fact, it works best with the high protein, moderate fat, low starch diet that is so popular today among track athletes,hence, having starving cravings that sibutramine Resolved for me.I prefer using this type of concept than running a high dose of T3 during a cutter to acheive the type of results I`m looking for.I don`t like the idea of Suppressing my Appetite ;with human evolution our bodies are not desined to suppress food,but I do many things I dont like to my body in this game but I Continue to look for perfection as I am a Warrior....