Hey guys
The birds are chirping, the sun is out, the bank balance is empty. This can only mean one thing......my order has come through!
Ok so i said i'd do a diary for my masteron/T-bol cycle and this is the 1st post just to let you know its starting from tomorrow.
1-8 Masteron: 50mg ED (prop version)
1-8 T-Bol: 60mg ED
1-4 T3: 100mcgs ED
5-8 T4: 200mcgs ED
Supplimenting this with milk thistle for the liver and tons of water, clean diet and proper 30 day PCT which may include some clen for anti-catabolic properties and also to loose any extra pounds of fat if i go over specified weight.
I've already been over the reasons i'm not using test in this cycle so pleeeeease don't try and tell me i need prop in there.
Strength increase, sustained fat loss, 8-10 lbs of lean muscle gain.
I know some people have claimed they have had problems with reduced appetite on t-bol before so i have some EQ (enough to run at 300mg ED for the course) in case i need an appetite boost or if i'm not seeing the gains that i'm looking for. I do also have some test kept aside just in case but libido issues are not expected as t-bol is supposed to increase libido anyway.
So this was just to give you a heads up. I'm going to go and get some photo's done so you can see the before and after pics and i'll do an update every few days or so if you want to follow my progress.
Please remember, not everyone has the same goals therefore this type of cycle is not for everyone but i'm hoping its going to be everything i need (as well as 100% effort with diet and training) to achieve my goals.
Age: 25
Weight: 164 lbs
Height: 5'11
Training: 3 years
Competition: MMA
Previous cycles: 4
I've heard good things about masteron and t-bol but never seen anyone run them together so maybe this can give some good info to someone looking to do something similar in the future.
Questions welcome