ok this is my second cycle.
three months=
1st month=test+deca 500mgs/each
2nd month=test+deca+d-bol (same mgs)
3rd month=test 750 mgs
im already on my second week and I can already feel the deca's suppression take hold on my lidido.Iv'e read that deca shuts its users down hard and fast!!
I was told that the testerone's androgenic make-up would combat the shift in LH supression,but i dont FEEL thats the case! Is this true? Iv'e also come to read that d-bol is synergisticall compatible w/ deca and that is why i'm throwing it in the mix.usually on test I imbue intense voracious sexual urges.My question is :will I remain shut down till the end of my 1st or 2nd month (where I include the d-bol)?dont get me wrong Im invigorated by my now and soon to be gains but Id also like my dick to reek havok upon all that oppose once again>wb........