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Thread: For all college students out there: Do exams hurt your gym performance while "on"?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    For all college students out there: Do exams hurt your gym performance while "on"?

    This is week 7 of my cycle of Test E 600mg/wk, Eq 400mg/wk, and Tren E 400mg/wk. I have been studying for exams the past couple days and my gym performance has definitely decreased. I know im not eating enough calories but i didnt know it would affect my strength! I cant wait till tomorrow when im done with exams and I can actually start eating real well and pack in those calories. Post your opinions, comments, your experiences, etc. Thanks

  2. #2
    Time in the Gym is screwed up due to being up long hours throughout the night for that week, however with eating, you should be doing a good deal of this when studying, take food wherever you study, your constantly taking breaks from studying, just eat during those breaks , eat during studying, if you feel your not eating the proper things you need , tupperwear it up and throw it in the backpack .
    that's what i do at least during finals week.

  3. #3
    Forget about bthe gym for a couple of weeks and concentrate on your exams i wish i had.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    i take a break from studies and hit the gym for an hour....and i do wat manz stated about eating during studies

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Westchester, NY
    use the gym as a place to let loose and use up some energy. what time of day do u go at? maybe try going at different times. im not "on" anything rite now but im in pre cycle mode so i sorta know where ure comin from. I have exams this week and its hard cuz i wanna be as on point as i can be for when i get home in 7 days to start my cycle. im startin monday the 16th.. i personally would never cycle here at school just for the fact that i dont think i could do the whole eating thing rite, i mean its good enough but being on cycle u have to go to extremes.. the food is crap, but workouts have been real good here.. cant wait to be done with thses ****in exams so i can get home and start. peace man, good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    i usually go in the am on an empty stomach......and it works real well for me however this week has just been real weird. Packing food is a great idea but im done with exams tomorrow...wish i thought of it earlier.

    Do you guys take anytime off while cycling?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    no time off, only if you need to for a week. study at home you can eat at home.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i'm on exams right now but i hit the gym at night after i finish studying it sux because i dont eat well while on exams & i'm on test e/deca cycle & i feel guilty if i didnt go to the gym because of my cycle but if i'm off its ok not guilty feeling

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    on the field
    u need ta do somethin like excercise while studyin. this has been proven not only to be helpful to what u take in as u learn but also it aint gonna hurt u if u do lift it can only help IMO.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    yea im just a lil disappointed because i was expecting to be stronger this week - since my strength has been increasing every week since week 4. But i hope i can fight through this once tomorrow is over and sleep better and def eat better (inc cals)

  11. #11

    yea finals week is going on right now and its kickin my ass. its hard finding time to lift when i got all these damn finals to take but ive still made time to lift even though my strength has been decreasing somewhat due to studyin for finals. I'm ready to get this shit over with and drink some BEER! and start my regular routine again next week.

    any of you bros in the same situation right now?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    School hurts my performance a lot. The stress is unbelievable, I lose a lot of sleep, I can only manage a few workouts a week, sporadic meals, and low energy.

  13. #13
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    school hurts peformance (if stressful) and the other way around.. Cycling in general worsens my ability to concentrate which is crucial for my studying.

  14. #14
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    yea school, btwn final papers and actually studing is tough man, I know EXACTLY what your going through, although I'm not "on" I use anytime I have to hit the gym and then sleep for about a hour after my workout then I'm back refreshed and collected, it works out well that way brotha.

    but I will be running something similar to your cycle and I'm wondering how you like your cycle thus far? anything you might of changed? weight gain? strength gains? body comp?
    Last edited by need2Bbig; 12-13-2005 at 02:44 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Just finished up tonight. I've managed to make it into the gym at least a few days a week, but the diets gone. And for me, when that sucks, my workouts suck...even On.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Oh GOD, my last one was today, I took 6 three-credit courses this semister...all business core classes too, however my gym time during exam and presentation and final week(s) dipped from 5 to 3-4, mostly 4 so not to bad.... wish i'd stayed away from some holiday treats though.

  17. #17
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    i absolutely hate finals week ..... i just feel drained when i hit the gym from the inadequate sleep

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    dont let some test screw up your diet, sleep, and training. i know it's ruff

  19. #19
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    bro i wouldn;t worry a who lot.. try to hit the gym best you can during finals if you go ED maybe you'll have to go mon wed fri or something. Even if u dont hit it as hard as normal for one week it's not goin to destroy your cycle or your training. taking a week off every now and then is good for your boyd anyway. you can;t hammer it hard year round with out giving it some time off....

  20. #20
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    I just started some new stuff and it's blowing my mind so i think of the gym as a way to just get away from everything for a little while then back to the books to study for the next exam.

  21. #21
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    Oct 2005
    a stessful semester will always effect my lifting...just have patience and do the school work ( I know its easier said then done), for when you are done with school the sky will be the limits.


  22. #22
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    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    dont let some test screw up your diet, sleep, and training. i know it's ruff

  23. #23
    really, i find myself more motivated at the gym during finals. study. take a break and hit the gym for a hour. then study more. exams can be really stressful, i find going to the gym helps me alleviate that stress but i guess thats just me. anyways good luck with finals everybody!!!!!

  24. #24
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    gym time isnt my problem it's diet during finals time....the week before and during i eat and sleep like sh*t. since idont have class during finals week i sleep in and dont eat right and it's bad i know and i'll pay for it over break....

  25. #25
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    Boys, My finals are done as of yesterday late afternoon. I had a nap before work then worked all night, but let me say this. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! The weeks following exams before next semsiter are golden, i plan on hitting the gym HARDCORE everyday for the next 11 (until my folks take me to peurto vallarta for a week)... but still no school = great gym sessions! good luck in the exams everyone!

  26. #26
    I HATE Finals. This is my first cycle, week 8 of Test-e.

    I've lost SIX lbs this week. Reason being is because of adderall. I have ADD and don't take it during the year unless its an exam day, and by pulling all nighters coupled with bad eating I am visibly smaller. It's so depressing and I feel horrible. Extended my cycle from this being week 8, to 10 wks just so i could make up for this cluster**** week. Six lbs lost, I feel so depressed and horrible, especially since my cycle is drawing to an end.

    In addition, I ran out of money so I can't get to the grocery store for more food so my supplies are out. This restricts my diet to basically on campus food now, subway, hamburgers + fries, yogurt, milk in my whey shakes...

    Last edited by carpediemguy08; 05-09-2006 at 12:41 PM.

  27. #27
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    I just finished exams for my last semester of law school, so i feel your pain. I'm in the middle of a test cycle. I find the gym experience is fine, good intensity. It's the diet that suffers during exams. Hard to eat 6, 7, meals a day when studying at the library all day. Focus on school. You have your whole life to get big. Even if finals screw you up a little, in a week or two you can make up for it !

    Good luck.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    This sounds like LOUNGE material not AAS material!!! move thread

  29. #29
    damn there is alot of college students here!
    As i am a student myself, i feel your pain. But i notice an increase in attention and focus when i am "on"! Does anybody get this?
    My grades are better durring cycle then off cycle.
    And dont feel to bad about the jym thing, one week wont hurt you, youll feel better all summer with good final grades. And then you can hit the jym hard.....

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Fvck studying!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    Fvck studying!
    lol pretty impressive attitude towards school.

  32. #32
    six pounds!!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    try some HIT workouts, they are good hit gym two or three times during your weeks of exams so you'll have more time for studying.

  34. #34
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    i hate exams & study ive just came home from gym & i lost alote of body weight & mass due to studying even when i am at gym i think about studying & that i cant do my best during training session to can study next day ill start exams next sunday & it will last for a month from first exam date

  35. #35
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    im natural

    But do what i did today. Go to the dining hall, and kill the desert isle, boatload the oatmeal, then go have a record shattering workout since i knew i aced my chem exam

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    man i just studied for over 10 hours today... i have 2 finals tomorrow back to back.... grrrrrrr... can't wait till this crap is over.... as far as eating goes, i eat more while im studying... and i always workout before i study. i feel my mind is sharper after a hard workout and long hot shower... .

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    I will say this...death becomes clearer through bloodshot eyes

  38. #38
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    lol im not telling :D
    Nope doesnt affect me one bit.. once inside the gym.. its only the gym i think about. if u kant leave the other shit at the door then your doing something wrong.

  39. #39
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    Better to be screwed up in the gym for a few weeks than fail everything and ruin your life.

  40. #40
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    no, make time for both.

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