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Thread: New to steriods need best advise!!

  1. #1

    New to steriods need best advise!!

    I have been lifting since senior year in high school and I am currently a sophmore in college. The only time I didn't lift was in the summer between senior year and freshman year and freshman year to sophmore year. I keep trying new work our programs because I can't find one I like or a good plan that really works me. In those three years I only gained ten pounds. My body though hasn't changed. My muscles don't look bigger. I was thinking of trying this summer while working out one cycle of D-Bol.

    What are your thoughts on the one cycle? What would you recomment for me to take to get gains and to get bigger? I am 20 years old, weigh 151 lbs. and I dont know my B F %. If you could recommend a cycle for me that is pill form and doesn't have a high side effect rate that would be great. Also, could you tell me anything I would have to take after a cycle to help me recover or become back to normal. I read that after a cycle of D-Bol I should take something called Cithal or something like that. I would greatly appretiate any comments or advise you fellaws and ladies have. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mikey most people on this site are going to tell you to hold of on a cycle at your age and I agree. Do some research on this site and you will find a lot of post just like yours with a ton of people saying wait tell you are older. You have a lot of natural growth left at your age and size.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    ok i wont tell you not to do a cycle because of your age..i will tell you not to do a cycle because of your age,weight,experience,and overall lack of knowledge of steroid dont know what a pct is and what you think a pct is involves "cithal" sorry just giving you the harsh reality of it..check out our diet and training forum it will do wonders for you i promise

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    D-bol only cycle is the worst thing you could do. At your age and stats AS isnt for you. You need to research more in nutrition and training, you need to pack on some natural lbs., get your training down and finally build a solid base so later in life you can grow past plateaus (natural peak) utilizing AS.

  5. #5
    Well I guess I got my answer and I will not be taking any kind of steriod. I appretiate all the replies and help from you guys. One last thing I don't mean to be an ass. Where can I find a good work out program? I need one in order to really be getting serious I think. Thanks for your hep once again!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    look u should get ur diet in check training for years with 10 lbs extra weight so u need more food even if u did aas with no good nutrition ull not gain the size ur dreaming of

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    ok i wont tell you not to do a cycle because of your age..i will tell you not to do a cycle because of your age,weight,experience,and overall lack of knowledge of steroid dont know what a pct is and what you think a pct is involves "cithal" sorry just giving you the harsh reality of it..check out our diet and training forum it will do wonders for you i promise
    Agreed. Even if you were to add in dbol I am willing to bet you loose all of gains for many reasons, one important one being you have no base. A good base can only be developed thru years of consistent and proper training. Visit our supplement, diet, and workout forums there are plenty of good guys willing to help you out there if you have questions.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    AGREED......try to reach natural potential first.......10 pds should be obtainable with proper diet and training

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New England
    we all know how frustrating it is starting out but its worth it...if you want that ten pounds its right in your reach with some hard work i hope you actually do take everyone advice to steer clear of steroids for now practice good form and good eating/rest habits and youll start seeing a change..then people will be saying "your taking steroids" haha no but seriously people love accusing anyone gaining weight (muscle) of juicing

  10. #10
    Thanks guys for all the comments. I was at the gym today and yesterday and I'm not pleased with myself as far as where I am at. Is there anything I can take to help with gains and any excersices that can get my bigger and stronger. I just hate walking into a place and people think of me ass a scrawny little shit. I'm sick of it. Any help from you guys would be great. Thanks


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikey-M
    Thanks guys for all the comments. I was at the gym today and yesterday and I'm not pleased with myself as far as where I am at. Is there anything I can take to help with gains and any excersices that can get my bigger and stronger. I just hate walking into a place and people think of me ass a scrawny little shit. I'm sick of it. Any help from you guys would be great. Thanks

    you should be confident in urself no matter what dude eat 7-8 times a day check the bulking sticky it works!! stick to that and you will grow simple as that my man check into some creatine too and a good flax/fish oil supplement and multi vitamin i change my mind 6-8 is good depends on how long ur up

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Just start eating more... alot more. Go to the diet forum and start learning. If you start eating 5000 to 6000 Kcals worth of oatmeal, chicken, tuna, and EFA's you will grow. At your age your body is ready to grow, it just needs fuel and a lot of it.
    Good luck Bro.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    5'9" 200 lbs
    Best Advice? Well, for sure, number one would be do a search.

    Then, eat, bust your ass @ the gym, rest, start over until you plateau.....then check out what works/don't for you and figure out some smart way to train and grow, that suits you........jmo!

    Good luck

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