As unethical as this sounds, I have taken it upon myself to perform what I think is an interesting study. Me and two of my friends from my law school are the participants. Now, I know this in not a large group for a study, but it is all that I could muster. It is a study on spermatogenesis and low dose-short cycle protocol. I will do 3 four on/four off cycles of oral turnabol. It is slightly androgenic but decently anabolic compund, as I'm sure you all know. The 3 cycles will consist of 40mg/day, 50mg/day, 60mg/day, in that exact order. I want to look at hpta recovery as well as the recovery of spermatogenesis. The purpose of the study is to make both return to baseline figures. Funding is not a problem, so the amount of lab test that have to be performed does not matter. How should I structure PCT as well as all other aspects of the study? I would like everyones opinion, especially those with a scientific or medical background. (The sudy will begin April 1st). Blood and semen work will be done in two weeks.