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Thread: Hey Goose, give me the goods bro.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Hey Goose, give me the goods bro.

    On your routine that is. It looks like you packed on a solid 20pnds at least since your last avatar. I know you like the Primo and the Anadriol, so is that what you contribute to all that lean size you've packed on? Of course lots of hard work and eating right, but bro your looking swoll as hell... CONGRATS!
    I'm trying to avoid test in my next cycle so all advice is appreciated champ.
    Thanks sharky

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Well that main key word that we all love `synergy`.The last 5 months Especially during the cycle I Attacked HGH very hard to build up IGF levels with the anabolic`s ,perfect diet and very heavy lifting (I thank my new training partner,his Intensity has taken me to the another level) I got the results I wanted.Without some form of test it`s going to make life harder but Progress is still very Possible.The key with your genes is to find what REACTS well with your cells to spurt growth.I'm primed by body with a very Specialized diet for the perfect environment to grow.Ever since I got my own nutritionist it enabled me to tweak by body for further growth.It has taken me a number of years to find and perfect the type of drugs I like but I`m still learning,like I have decided never to take T3 again,I will use synthroid from now.The main key is to keep cycle short 6-8 weeks is perfect,Attack aggressively and then defend your body.You read threads all the time on here,why have my gains stopped at around 8 weeks? Well your body just cant keep growing,so it`s logic to start the defence Process for your receptors,before you know it your back on a new cycle,but the guys who cycle 12-14-16 weeks have to wait to long to respond well again.I still have a long way to go,but many thanks for your comments.PM me anytime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    if im hi jacking forgive me. but i have a question about what you're saying here goose. i havent really had any significant gains on test e and deca until week 7........ i had nothing from week 1- 6.... are you saying that the drugs you used should be ran for only 6- 8 weeks or that all gear should only be ran for short cycles. from what i have experienced, i would think that my cycle would be more benificial to me running it out to 12 weeks cause the gains didnt start coming until week 7............ tell me what you think

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by goosed
    if im hi jacking forgive me. but i have a question about what you're saying here goose. i havent really had any significant gains on test e and deca until week 7........ i had nothing from week 1- 6.... are you saying that the drugs you used should be ran for only 6- 8 weeks or that all gear should only be ran for short cycles. from what i have experienced, i would think that my cycle would be more benificial to me running it out to 12 weeks cause the gains didnt start coming until week 7............ tell me what you think
    Im not the Goose man so I can only give my opinion. Short esters my friend. If you are running deca you could try phenylprop, Test prop, Tren Ace etc. If you are running longer acting esters than definitely you would go for a 12 weeker.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thanks, thats what i was thinking but im not as knowledgeable as ya'll so i wanted to be sure. i have read a lot about shorter cycles here latley and many people liking them but i havent seen any one really talking about which gear to run(long or short esters) for shorter cycles.thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by goosed
    thanks, thats what i was thinking but im not as knowledgeable as ya'll so i wanted to be sure. i have read a lot about shorter cycles here latley and many people liking them but i havent seen any one really talking about which gear to run(long or short esters) for shorter cycles.thanks
    This is not a FACT, but in my personal experience the higher you get up on the BB chain, the more short ester cycles are preffered (this is from people I know). I think when you are just getting into AAS use you stick with less frequently injected compounds, like your typical Test Enth and Deca, even Sust (which people will inject just twice a week) etc.
    Also, personally if I run a longer ester AAS I get more sides.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yo mama's house
    good read..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    This is not a FACT, but in my personal experience the higher you get up on the BB chain, the more short ester cycles are preffered (this is from people I know). I think when you are just getting into AAS use you stick with less frequently injected compounds, like your typical Test Enth and Deca, even Sust (which people will inject just twice a week) etc.
    Also, personally if I run a longer ester AAS I get more sides.
    I don't want to hijack a thread either, but i have a question here-

    This sounds curious to me. I have been able to make consistent progress using longer acting gear. Even during my third cycle- which i only took about 6 weeks off before i started it ( cycle lasted about 11weeks), of test, tren, dbol1-4 and eq (all long estered) i made consistent gains, For instance at week 6 my max squat was 350x8, by the end of the cycle, i was squatting 365x8.

    I think if you know how your body reacts to the compounds, longer cycles are alright- some people can't tolerate tren, and would be stuck with it for several weeks if they used enanthate, and i know i can use it so i know it's fine for me to use.

    On a side note, i am not at goose's level - yet!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    I don't want to hijack a thread either, but i have a question here-

    This sounds curious to me. I have been able to make consistent progress using longer acting gear. Even during my third cycle- which i only took about 6 weeks off before i started it ( cycle lasted about 11weeks), of test, tren, dbol1-4 and eq (all long estered) i made consistent gains, For instance at week 6 my max squat was 350x8, by the end of the cycle, i was squatting 365x8.

    I think if you know how your body reacts to the compounds, longer cycles are alright- some people can't tolerate tren, and would be stuck with it for several weeks if they used enanthate, and i know i can use it so i know it's fine for me to use.

    On a side note, i am not at goose's level - yet!
    Oh by all means longer estered cycles are FINE. But like I said its just from relationships I have with many people that I will tell you its these more advanced users that I find utilize the shorter esters more. They kick in faster and thus you can get equal results from 8 weeks of prop as you can from say 12 weeks of Enth. Therefore you can see results faster, use the AAS for less time and run more cycles in a year.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Oh by all means longer estered cycles are FINE. But like I said its just from relationships I have with many people that I will tell you its these more advanced users that I find utilize the shorter esters more. They kick in faster and thus you can get equal results from 8 weeks of prop as you can from say 12 weeks of Enth. Therefore you can see results faster, use the AAS for less time and run more cycles in a year.
    I can't say how it wil work for me as i haven't tried it yet. I may very well do an 8 week short cycle soon- if i do, i'll run prop @ 1100mg/wk and tren at 600mg/wk- and i'd probably add a huge jump to the calories for those 8 weeks, to around 5000/day. My main probelm with things like prop is the pain i was getting. Wondering if a heating pad applied to the injection area would help with soreness in the injection site the next day as i'd have to run ed.

    Goose- if youre reading this, (Getting back on topic) How are you letting your IGF levels build up before your short cycle (How do you build up the HGH dosage, and over how much time?), and what doses of gear are you running during the short cycle also?

    This may be something i'll give a try too, but i need to get it right- have to keep the body guessing, as they say.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    let me thorw another spin on it if i may. is this having your cake and eating it too, someone choosing to run longer ester(i.e. deca, test e or c) but want to see some immediate results also, so they run short acting esters the first few weeks while waiting for the longer esters to start taking affect. would a cycle like this be getting the best of both worlds? or would you hit that plateau at about 6 weeks like goose was talking about and the long acting ester not really have any effect

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by goosed
    let me thorw another spin on it if i may. is this having your cake and eating it too, someone choosing to run longer ester(i.e. deca, test e or c) but want to see some immediate results also, so they run short acting esters the first few weeks while waiting for the longer esters to start taking affect. would a cycle like this be getting the best of both worlds? or would you hit that plateau at about 6 weeks like goose was talking about and the long acting ester not really have any effect
    interesting question. I know gains can come well after 6 weeks, but for me they always level off SIGNIFICANTLY around weeks 9-11. As i was suggesting, I think something to do MAY be to keep the body guessing- Just like you (Should) be doing with your training- Throw in different things in the mix; See what happens. Try a cycle with long acting gear for a longer duration , a cycle with short acting gear for less duration. Don't just run the same gear over and over again- change it up. Increasing the doses of the same stuff cycle after cycle i do not think is good enough, as i suggested, use diff. types of gear for diff. durations at diff. dosages

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