After doing some research, and talking with a lot of really smart people, MikeXXL, we came up with this as my last 14 days before a comp. now i am competing at heavy weight so some things will vary, and so will times. also i am trying fat loading for the first time. Hope others will enjoy this and if anyone has any advice or questions please feel free.
All oil based gear is stopped at 14 days out.
clen is also stopped to assist in carb loading
Letro is ran through out
T3 is stopped 4 days
14 Days Last day for eggs and oats
13 Days Water up to 8 liters a day, turkey instead of chicken
Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and ½ for breakfast
12 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and ½ for breakfast
11 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and ½ for breakfast
10 Days 1 sweet potato in the am, small white potato every meal till 5 pm
9 Days 1 sweet potato in the am, small white potato every meal till 5 pm
Back waxing
8 Days Stop protein powder after pm training, last leg day
1 sweet potato in the am, small white potato every meal till 5 pm
Spray tan level 2
7 Days Sweet potato, turkey and oats for breakfast
Small white potato with every other meal
6 Days Drink 2 diuretic tea
1 sweet potato after am cardio and white potato before pm training
5 Days Drink 2 diuretic tea
1 sweet potato after am cardio and white potato before pm training
Get haircut
4 Days Last ab day, NO CARBS, 2 diuretic tea, spray tan level 3
Carb depletion training at 6 pm
3 Days Use Ketone stick to ensure total depletion, then start loading
½ sweet potato meal 1&2 with turkey
1 sweet potato meal 3,4,5 with turkey
Stop water at 8 pm, light sips only till bed, and in morning after cardio
2 Days Cut water totally at noon, take 50mg Diazide at 11am, 50mg at 7 pm
Take 12.5-25mg at 3am
Weigh ins at 7pm, ½ cup of whole wheat pasta after weigh ins
Small sweet potato with a little turkey till bed time every 3 hours starting in morning
Showtime 5 am eat…egg omelet with cheese, pancakes with syrup, and donuts
Eat till full, and don’t over eat
Eat every 3 hours same type of food, relax and get psyched up for show at Noon