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Thread: A question for the guys who waited 5+ years before using AAS

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tropical England

    A question for the guys who waited 5+ years before using AAS

    For those of you who chose to wait to use AAS and clocked up a good few years training naturally (5+), how did you find you responded to AAS.

    We often read threads of guys packing on 20lbs in their first cycle, but they are usually quite new to bb'ing. Having been training alot longer and therefore holding more muscle how did you respond?

    Do you feel that training naturally first was a good choice or do you think you would have made a better choice going on earlier?

    Last question. Do any of you now regret it and wish you had waited even longer or not used it at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    Prime, I waited until I was about 25 or so to try AAS and had been training since I was 15. So I guess I put in my years, at times I'm glad I did it, and to be honest lately I'm kinda wishing I hadn't. After a few cycles(first few shitty under shittty guidance)my natural test is for shiat, so I'm sitting here thinking about the idea of TRT for life(you know forever type shit)and all in all not real excited about it. I know we do a lot of talking about PCT and getting back to normal and what not, but I am here to tell you that not everyone returns to normal. So I guess it's a coin toss-I love what I have accomplished with AAS, but at the same time I can't help but wonder what would have been different if I had stayed natural and learned more about diet/supplements/and workouts.

    To answer the gains question, my first cycle was so stupid I won't even put it here and I got tremendous gains, even after nearly 10 yrs of natural training.
    Last edited by shortie; 05-23-2006 at 06:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    i started training at 12 years old. ok, i knew nothing, and wouldnt say i was in solid, disciplined training until i was 15. at 16 i started eating the way i should have been eating, and my physique dramatically changed (a mixture of 100% better diet and puberty is what caused this). come 19 years of age, i embarked upon my first course (deca and dianabol ) and had nice gains. since then, every course ive done has been beneficial for sure, but, i havent responded how the majority would. my training is spot on from a scientific viewpoint, although always learning and trying to find the best way for my body. diet is not really an issue, always eat between 6-9 times a day, high protein, moderate carbs, low fat. i believe i am one who may respond better to higher dosages, so will be giving this a shot in my next course within the next month or so. overall id say it would have been better to wait off on the gear for another couple of years, but, saying that, my test levels feel great whilst off, i recover quickly after cycle, maintain my gains, and, if i may say so myself, look damn good for a 21 year old

  4. #4
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    My body reacted quite nice to my first cycle, which was a Deca-only cycle(oops!). Whole "cycle" consisted of starting with 200mg/wk then pyramiding up to 400mg/wk and this lasted about six weeks. I think I gained about 16 lbs, and then when all was said and done I lost all the weight I gained plus about 8lbs. And to think the guy I got it from really knew what he was talking about.

  5. #5
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    For those of you who chose to wait to use AAS and clocked up a good few years training naturally (5+), how did you find you responded to AAS.

    We often read threads of guys packing on 20lbs in their first cycle, but they are usually quite new to bb'ing. Having been training alot longer and therefore holding more muscle how did you respond?

    Do you feel that training naturally first was a good choice or do you think you would have made a better choice going on earlier?

    Last question. Do any of you now regret it and wish you had waited even longer or not used it at all?

    I waited until I was 35, the pic in my avy is me at 33 all natural. At 35 I did my first cycle to bulk, and I went from about #205 when I started to over #262 at the max with less than %20 BF
    I am very glad I had the Natural base. It all seems easier now. I will be doing my 5th cycle starting in July, I am 220# 17% now and hope to get to a SOLID 225 with around 10%bf or under
    I don't regret waiting at all, I just wish I would have started competing when I was younger.

  6. #6
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    Tropical England
    cheers for the replies guys. Any more wish to contribute.

  7. #7
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    no one?

  8. #8
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    VA - Formerly OH
    I think the people who jump right in will naturally see huge results because they also tend to be the ones who only train and eat hard because they are excited to be on a cycle. Their bodies are usually under-developed to start with, which leavesmore room for improvement.

    I waited nearly 10 years from the point when I was training and eating aggressively and naturally. When I was in college, steroids were not even mentioned, let alone available, even on the football team. I only knew one kid who used gear and he did it over summer break after spring ball.

    I am glad I waited. Using it prematurely may have caused a mental dependence on performance enhancers. I'm glad I learned how my body reacted to different training techniques/diet/supplements before I used AAS.

    I can honestly look myself in the mirror and know I pushed my body as far as it could go naturally before adding the NOS to my engine to reach the next level.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5

    I can honestly look myself in the mirror and know I pushed my body as far as it could go naturally before adding the NOS to my engine to reach the next level.
    Ditto to that. I waited more than 6 years and am I ever glad I waited. More than anything (For me anyway) was knowing my body. With training like we all do with such discipline we develop a need to know our body and how it reacts to change, both with supplementation, and exercise.
    Having said that, AAS has really opened my eyes even more to my body and how it reacts. I now know how important hormone levels actually are in reaching and attaining my goals. It's the balance between hormone levels, diet, exercise, and sleep.

    Remember, you're as strong as your weakest link.

  10. #10
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    I started lifting light when I was just 12. By the time I was 15, I was the only kid on the football team benching 135 in sets. By the time I was 18, my 1 rep max for squat was 395 and my bench was 300, all natural. I ran my first cycle when I was 20 and had great gains. I am now 23 and on my 3rd. IMO, it's best to build natural first before jumping right into AAS's. By starting naturally, you develop your dedication as well as a base to work off of. A lot of people approach me asking me for AAS advice when they barely train and when they do, I see them socializing more than throwing the weights around. I hate seeing seasonal "BB's" who jump on gear in the summer then 4 months later they look like $hit because of their lack of dedication when "off." Start first by putting your time in, then go on from there!!!

  11. #11
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    I waited 20 years before my first cycle which gave me a good foundation and knowledge of course, more to do with ignorance of AAS than logic, should I have waited..... Nah!

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I waited a few years before starting any kind of AAS, i gain alot with diet and training and producing a good solid base, and to be honest the first cycle was total rubbish but the gains were drastic and transformed my body,so imagine what gains i would of produced if the cycle was in order.

  13. #13
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    I am doing my first legit cycle now at 43. As with others, I have developed the knowledge and mindset to maxmize gains using AAS. Spendng years trying to change my physique led to increased intensity in the gym. 2 chemicals were important: creatine and ephedra. Each helped me quite a bit.

    Today, I am on week 6 of my first cycle. I feel very good about the experience since I am working with Oasis. This has provided me with peace of mind knowing I am taking prescribed medication and can call them whenever I need to for advice and guidance.

    Finally, I hope that with proper PCT, I can enjoy the benefits of my hard work. Regardless, I feel outstanding with the test I have been taking. I will be doing additional cycles as long as I remain healthy.

  14. #14
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    Started at 37 after years of being a middleweight fighter and more recently an amatuer baseball player.

    Glad I waited, but if I would do it over again, I probably would have started in my late 20's.

    As far as gains, for my 1st three cycles I responded very well to low doses. My off cycle weight went up about 25 pounds after 18 months.

    At 5-8, I am pushing 200 lbs when on, at about 12-14% bf.

    I do not regret getting started, not one bit.


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom
    I started at 28 weighing 265ish ( I had regularly trained for 15+ years clean), I am now well over 275 but I am significantly leaner. I waited until injuries had taken their toll and decided to run a few things to help with recovery etc

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i waited 4...
    i would say starting later is better but ur not really going to gain taht much as joe newb yet ur gains will be better because u will know ur body better and have better diet so its a toss up and based on teh individual

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