First off I don't need 100 people to say taking 2 orals is a bad idea. I've been in the game for over 20 years. What I do need is someone that has tried a theory that I'm thinking about. Even on 50mg of anadrol/day I feel like a have a bad flew, but on dbol I feel great on as little 20mg/day. Hence has anyone tried a low dose anadrol, say 25mg/day and a low dose dbol, say 25mg/day, and did this counteract the flu like symptoms from the anadrol. Again please don't say, why don't you just take the dbol and forget the anadrol, this is not what i'm getting at. I want to know if chemically, does the dbol counteract the crappy feeling one gets from the anadrol. Only someone that has tried this will know, so if you have NOT, please don't respond, thanx.