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Thread: Kennelly's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    First, congrats on your 749 last weekend.

    Are you still going to try 800 this weekend?

    I've been on Elitefitness and now over here. And I've been wondering how you train? Do you train Westside? Is there any way that I could beg you into posting your bench routine so we could see it?

    Thanks and good luck!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree with Big Okie, Im curious as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Moses Lake, WA
    Yes we train westside. We'll be doing a full write up of the routine once this meet is out of the way this weekend. Here is a rough rundown of what we do each week:

    Monday : Heavy back in the morning and light legs at night

    Tuesday: Speed bench, light explosive tricep exercises, and some pec work

    Wednesday: off

    Thursday: Heavy legs in the morning and light back in the evening

    Friday: off

    Saturday: Maximum effort day for bench, heavy tricep work, heavy pec exercises (this day's exercises changes each week except for pec work, which stays the same)

    Sunday: off

    Like I said, this is just a ROUGH outline of what we do, I know I didn't get too detailed on exercises but I'll get all of that for you soon...hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    is your routine getting published in a mag or are you going to break it down on the boards? it's always fun to see what other people are doing especially at your level.

    wish i could see u guys this weekend up north. good luck!!
    Last edited by p03t1c; 07-31-2002 at 07:12 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    How much pec work do you guys do? Like dumbells or actually a couple of sets of flat benching for reps? And do you do yoru pec work after tris?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Moses Lake, WA
    Well we both do it differently since we are at different levels most obviously.

    Melissa: illegal wides or incline dumbells and flies

    Ryan: flies only

    We do the pec/chest work heavy on Saturday's and light on Tuesdays.
    Pec and chest work is at the end of the work out on both days. We do tri's immediately after we finish with bench on both Saturday and Tuesday.

    The entire workout is going to be published, not sure where yet exactly. That is still being worked out, but we're doing a full write up.

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