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Thread: Blasted Gh Durring Reconsitution!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels

    Blasted Gh Durring Reconsitution!!!

    Alright so I opened my first vial of Jin all excited and tomorrow morning I'm gonna start so I wanted to prep it.... so I decided to use 2ml of BW for each vial so it's a little bit more accurate... I pulled 2ml with my 3ml 20g 1" syringe and as soon as I put it into the vial it just SHOT OUT! Now I know this is because of pressure but WHY would they do that to me??? There was nothing I could do... so how do the rest of you guys do it??? do you even the pressure prior to injecting the BW? Do you think the GH is completely ruined or just damaged? Either way I'm using it but just wondering what you guys might think... LMK! THANKS!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    UK London/South East
    You have to put the pin in the vial at an angle. I find if i reconstitute with an orange (25) i cannot really control the "shoot", however when i reconstitute with a slin pin if i hold back the plunger i can control when the water is realeased into the vial.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wonderful American soil!
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    Alright so I opened my first vial of Jin all excited and tomorrow morning I'm gonna start so I wanted to prep it.... so I decided to use 2ml of BW for each vial so it's a little bit more accurate... I pulled 2ml with my 3ml 20g 1" syringe and as soon as I put it into the vial it just SHOT OUT! Now I know this is because of pressure but WHY would they do that to me??? There was nothing I could do... so how do the rest of you guys do it??? do you even the pressure prior to injecting the BW? Do you think the GH is completely ruined or just damaged? Either way I'm using it but just wondering what you guys might think... LMK! THANKS!

    What does the Jin look like after this happened? If it is cloudy/w/chunks floating in it do not use it. If it is clear, then it is anyone's guess on viability at this point.
    To rease the pressure~Use a larger gauge as the insulin needles are not removable and are not convenient. To release the pressure take the needle end off (should pull off) and stick into the top of the Jin to release the vacuum. (should make a slight hissing noise) . Are you using the diluent that came with the Jin? For peace of mind I use BW, as I know for sure what I am mixing it with.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Yeah I'm using bw and in the future I'll slip a 25g 5/8th into it to release that vaccuum... the GH was clear but when I pulled it into the slin pin this morning it created a little foam at the top... very small but obvioiusly there was air in there... none the less I worked out what I could and just stuck it... I hope it's still good! Do you guys inject air into the vial every time you pull like you would with AS? I'm assuming yes just being cautious....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    On most slin pins, you can pull the plunger all the way out, and use it to release the pressure first. But always insert at an angle when you inject the water, so that the stream hits the side of the vial and runs down. Also, 2ml is just a bit more than necessary, IMO. If it's a 10iu vial, I would use 1ml - if an 8iu vial, 80 units on a slin pin, or .8ml

    But that's just a matter of personal preference.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    yeah I'm using 2IU to start so I thought I would further dillute it but I'm just gonna use a single ml from now on... thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I am currently using Jins also. And when I stick the syringe with the water in the gh vail it sucks in the water on its own. So what I do is that I angle the syringe so much that the water runs down the glass before hitting the powder. And its all good. It does get a little foamy on the top of the liquid but not like it goes bad or anything. The foam goes away after a minute. I know its not hurting the powder because the gh has been working. Burning fat like a mother off my waist were its most noticable. And the numbness in the hands is almost constant now in my right hand. Been on for 5 weeks at 4iu a day 5/2 so I really can't tell myself yet if its building any lean muscle since that would be too soon to notice. Not to mention I am on tren and sust also.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I stick a pin into the vial to let the air out, then I put the water in with a syringe.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by lzicc
    I stick a pin into the vial to let the air out, then I put the water in with a syringe.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Yep, it will pull the BW water out of the slin pin. I found keeping your thumb under the plunger as you stick the rubber stopper at a angle is a good method. When you verify the needle is angled to hit the side of the glass, let the water flow slowly down the side of the glass. But releasing pressure first is probably the best method. I'm basically new to GH myself so I'm learning as I go.

  11. #11
    What you can do is just stick a pin in there without the syringe to release the pressure.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I always inject 1-2cc of air into the vial to equalise the pressure from the vacuum. This vacuum is needed to protect the wafer from degradation. After you have done this, allow the water to dribble down the side of the vial very slowly and never shake it to mix it quicker

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