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Thread: Any opinions on this Anavar Cutter?

  1. #1

    Any opinions on this Anavar Cutter?

    I did a Tbol only cycle, and had excellent results. I gained 15 pounds in about 7 weeks. I used around 50mg to 80mg a day.

    Now I am planning to do a cutter.

    I need some opinions on the Anavar dosage. Is what I am doing sufficient. I am not looking to really gain any muscle. My goal is to retain the muscle I have, but shred the fat away. The Meridia is in there, because I have a crazy appetite by nature, and have no self control over my urges, so the Meridia will help with that.

    Any opinions on the cycle would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    to be honest i would up the dose to 80mg ed but everything else looks good man good lick keep us posted

  3. #3
    Yeah, I was thinking of upping Anavar dosage to 80mg.

    But I have enough Anavar to run 60mg for 8 weeks. Or 80mg for 6 weeks.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    Yeah, I was thinking of upping Anavar dosage to 80mg.

    But I have enough Anavar to run 60mg for 8 weeks. Or 80mg for 6 weeks.
    Don't forget some Nolva for PCT.

    Also I hope Allah supports the use of steroids!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    I would increase both the var and the clen. The clen I wouldn't recommend less then 120mcg/day for most males to see full effects from it. The var however you could start at 60mg. In all likelihood you will have to increase the dose, especially if that's all you're running.
    Personally I would add some prop in there as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    I would increase both the var and the clen. The clen I wouldn't recommend less then 120mcg/day for most males to see full effects from it. The var however you could start at 60mg. In all likelihood you will have to increase the dose, especially if that's all you're running.
    Personally I would add some prop in there as well.
    I do NOT agree at all, im sorrry.. do not start out at 120.. some people cannot handle the side effects.. start at a low dose and increase accordingly..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    I do NOT agree at all, im sorrry.. do not start out at 120.. some people cannot handle the side effects.. start at a low dose and increase accordingly..
    Apparently I was misinterpretted, I never said start at 120mcg did I? I didn't mean to start at 120mcg, that was in reference to the effective dose that you I would recommend building up to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    After paying closer attention to the layout of the cycle itself it, I noticed you method of using clen isn't the most effective. Doses aside, running clen for 10 weeks straight would be waste of time unless you were planning on running some ketotifen with it to clear out your receptors. If you're not then you should consider switching over to 2weeks on/2 weeks off.
    Also, if you're running clomid for your pct you should be starting it much sooner then that after you stop your var. There's no point in waiting until you stop using clen and meridia, it should be started within a couple days of cessation of the var.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I agree with Ejuicer, I didnt realize either. Start PCT After your last day of VAR.. thats what the PCT is for. Also It is good to run clen through pct.. maybe not meridia though. And you will probably end up turning up your clen dosage, just as an FYI

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    Also, if you're running clomid for your pct you should be starting it much sooner then that after you stop your var. There's no point in waiting until you stop using clen and meridia, it should be started within a couple days of cessation of the var.
    Oh yeah, great point. I didnt even notice that. Thanks.

    I was going to take Benadryl to keep the effectivness of Clen going.

  11. #11
    I can also do a cycle like this. Which one would you guys do?

    Again my main goal is cutting, although some lean mass wouldnt hurt.

    At the moment, I am about 195, 6'1. And about 12% bodyfat.

    I dont think I'll run the Tbol for 10 weeks if I do this. Last time I did Tbol, my plan was to do it for 8 weeks. But I stopped at 7 weeks, because my body didnt feel right.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	68550  

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