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Thread: Letro/Aromasin at same time

  1. #1

    Letro/Aromasin at same time

    Is there any benefit of using both letro and aromasin at the same time, or is it just overkill on anti-e's? Is one more beneficial than the other when preparing for a contest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    id say a bit over kill...letro is strong enough bro...are you cycling on anything right now or do you plan to use them just as a stand alone...aromisin is pretty strong as say one or the other

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    yes, overkill for sure.

  4. #4
    It seems as though you could run the letro and then maybe switch to aromasin near the end since it is a suicide inhibitor to make sure any rebound effect would come to a halt..but there really wouldn't be a need for anti-e purposes...I was thinking more along the lines of gyno reversal...which didnt really work for me with letro alone. Anyways my random post is done..nevermind

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