two weeks to go,down to 198.going to keep hitting the cardio twice a day.still have a ways to go but im going to give it my all to come in the best I can.
two weeks to go,down to 198.going to keep hitting the cardio twice a day.still have a ways to go but im going to give it my all to come in the best I can.
Last edited by Iron freak; 09-26-2009 at 07:22 PM.
going to try ment1on last week prep..should I keep doing cardio the last week.
see where you are at in a week then decide on cardio...but you have made big strides my friend good luck..
loking good , but think your a bit more than 2 weeks out . possibly water. chest looks like its holding and side oblique
thanks guys,been eating carbs in morning and pre-training.have not lost any strength .never been this cut before,so its been tough.only eating fresh sweet potato and chicken some fiber.getting really tired of eating this clean.hard to keep my sanity.
how many days out do I need to cut gear out,tren,prop,let,oral winny,t-3,clen,b-12,etc.thanks
cut ur oil based gear anywhere between rit now and 10 days out, run the winny up to the show, anti-e up to the show, clen up to the show, not sure about the b12....with the winny here is what i do if ur show is on a saturday, wed 50 mg, thursday 100mg, friday 150 mg, has worked great for me in the past...just my opinion
Originally Posted by muscle1
you might wanna double check on the clen...i find it interferes with my carb up....not 100% sure on this one so double check with dr.herb or pinnacle.
I woudl think you would drop the clen a few days out, or at least keep it VERY LOW, otherwise you may have trouble filling out. I couldnt imagine being on stage shaking like a damn leaf in the wind while trying to pose either!!
looking good you came a long way.
Look good bro.
good luck on your show bro. lookin good.
Clen decreases your insulin sensitivity, so i would skip it last 2-3 days before carb up...XXL
thanks guys,I learn somthing everyday.
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