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Thread: Third time

  1. #1

    Third time

    Hi! I am entering my third steroidcycle after this summer and i am going to use the following:
    200 mg deca (nandrolone ) every week in 10 weeks
    10mg dbol every day in 10 weeks

    pct= clomid
    day1: 300mg

    does this sound like a good cycle or is there anything i should change.
    i am not completely shore if i am going to use dbol, because i wonder if there is any better alternative.

    Would be very happy if i got some answers/ T

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrion
    Hi! I am entering my third steroidcycle after this summer and i am going to use the following:
    200 mg deca (nandrolone ) every week in 10 weeks
    10mg dbol every day in 10 weeks

    pct= clomid
    day1: 300mg

    does this sound like a good cycle or is there anything i should change.
    i am not completely shore if i am going to use dbol, because i wonder if there is any better alternative.

    Would be very happy if i got some answers/ T
    You should change the entire cycle.
    What are your stats and what did your previous cycles look like?

  3. #3

    Thumbs down

    Well pct is ok.. but that is it. I am sorry to tell you but the rest of your cylce sucks basically.

    Never run Deca w/o Test!
    Moreover i would exchange Deca with EQ.. no progesterone activity that way.
    Research a little more.. Read the profiles in the educational forum.

    I have to admit I am a lil curious what your first 2 cycles have been like + what gains did you achieve.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    You should change the entire cycle.
    What are your stats and what did your previous cycles look like?
    agreed and what are your goals for the cycle?

  5. #5
    my first cycle was a regular 10mg/60 cycle on dbol
    i thought it was good to start with. (age 21)
    My second cycle was on ohmnadren, primobolan depot and dbol for 8 weeks
    (age 23) maybe this cycles were not the best, young and stupid you know!
    I have been going to the gym since i was 18, and i am now 27 years old, i have good knowledge how to workout in the gym and also good knowledge about cardio. When i started working out my weight was 64 kilos, now at 27 years old i have a weight of 91 kilos and 13% BF.
    My goals with this cycle are to get bigger and stronger without gettin to many side effects, that was why i choosed Deca (nandrolone) it is very kind to the liver and the rest of the body. dbol was thought to prevent impotens during cycle. and offcourse a little extra boost. My knowledge about roids are not the best, but i am trying to learn as much as i can and that is also the reason why i am here, to get help and knowledge.
    Last edited by Tyrion; 06-02-2006 at 06:48 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrion
    My knowledge about roids are not the best, but i am trying to learn as much as i can and that is also the reason why i am here, to get help and knowledge.

    So i'll give you some advise which might be helpfull:

    Use test as a base for your cycle. In low dosages (500mg/week) side effects are rare. Test is rather mild on the system (liver, lipid etc..), too. Run test fo 10-12 weeks.

    Add another compound. either deca or EQ.. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Deca can cause progesterone induced gyno.. You can't fight that with nolva! Moreover deca tends to make you hold a lot of water + deca does not convert to estradiol (like test does) but to estron [E1]. This is a weaker form of estradiol BUT this conversion can not be inhibited by using arimidex or sth. else. This makes Deca somewhat uncontrolable, but at dosages ranging from 200-400mg per week problems are rare.

    Then there is EQ on the other hand. Sadly you have to take higher doses to achieve good resluts with it (400-600mg/week) and it can in fact have negative impact on your lipid profile and liver values. A fact that many seem to forget about . On the plus side you will hold a lot less water when using EQ compared to deca. Moreover it does not have any form of progesteronic activity and only converts moderatly to estrogen.

    Then u might wanna add an oral to either "kick start" your cycle or give better gains at the end of the cycle. If bloat and higher gyno risk isn#t an issue for you, you might chose d-bol. I personally would opt for the safer T-Bol which will give you soild gains, with minimal water retention.

    That is it for now..
    Last edited by AleX-69; 06-02-2006 at 07:14 AM.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your knowledge on AAS isn't all that good like you said, we can tell this with your previous cycles!!!, ditch the deca and dbol and start with the basic test only for 10-12 weeks 500mg per wk,

    Id also look at your diet/training program, gains are made and maintained by food, AAS are just an addition to spring board you past the sticking point to further growth, do as much naturally with food and then consider doing a basic cycle of test.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    St. Paul, MN
    back to the basics....

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