Originally Posted by
Kmac 13
Well first of all my dad is a type 1 diabetic and has plenty of extra Humalog vials in the fridge and hundreds off unused U-100 needles so i've recently decieded to go on a insulin cycle. I have done countless hours of research and before i begin the cycle i wanted to ask a few simple questions that i had trouble finding on the internet. First off i am trying to gain muscle over the summer for football this coming fall and started working out around january, and yes my dad is completly fine with me experimenting with insulin. I probably going to start my cycle with a PWO 5iu injection and increase it from there to 10 - 12 iu at the most. my first question is pretty newbie but i seariously couldn't find an answer for it. "iu" stands for units correct? Also on a U-100 syringe there are 5 lines and then a 10 unit mark, therefore would 2 lines equal 4 units? or would 4 lines equal 4 unit? my last question, can having a ciggarete before working out take away from my gains in the gym? cause i know that it slow your blood circulation down but im not sure if thats too serious?
thanks for your input,