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Thread: Insulin for carb loads...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Insulin for carb loads...

    Do you see any problem with taking two Actrapid shots on a carb load day? I don't want to fry my pancreas - so... is there a problem keeping an exogenous insulin source present most of the day?

    I have dropped it back to one shot on my carb load day... and now take the other post workout the day following the refeed... for my carb loaded strength routine.

    If you only use slin for that one day - still need to cycle off often?

    Thanks gents!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    your using slin just 1 day a week? if so no need to cycle off imo.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    your using slin just 1 day a week? if so no need to cycle off imo.

    Yeah... well I was.

    Currently I am splitting it up for just two days a week - one in the AM (12IU @ 0600) starting the Carb Load day... and then the other 12 IU the next day, following my Carb Loaded strength routine using the big three (Squats, Deads, Benches).

    Do you think there is much concern in how I was doing it before? Twice a day - 12 IU in the early AM (0600) and then another 12IU in the afternoon (1230), IM. Could this be too suppressive?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Twice a day - 12 IU in the early AM (0600) and then another 12IU in the afternoon (1230), IM. Could this be too suppressive?
    What I can say is that I know someone that is a familiar face in the BBing world. Prior to comps he takes his Log several times a day when Carbloading. Tries to force feed his muscles with each eating period. I never asked the amount of Log Warrior but know that he was injecting it several times a day.

    Suppressive may be a harsh word to use considering its only being done every once in a while. I/we have read about some running Slin for months and months at a time with no days off and zero repercussions to show for it. I can give a concrete answer on to suppressive for such a short period of time but from what I've read/heard it was minimal.

    Feel free to PM me buddy..............

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thanks guys - I think I will stick to the two shots on the carb load. It does seem to work better...

    Thanks again

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