Hey guys.. I am looking for the best way to run a cycle of the gear I have..I was going to run var/winny & I was told to get more gear...so I did..heres what I got & I'm asking for opinios of how I should run it & if I have what I need--I think I have a good combination of stuff...Thanks!!! Keep in mind --I have a tiny bit of gyno from a past deca cycle...thats why I'm running masteron...I hear it helps or at least doenst give gyno & my even treat or prevent it...I'm looking to get harder & lose a few pounds or just change the body composition..Thanks again for the help.. advice/opinions??
I have on hand::::
20cc of 100mg masteron
200 10mg VAR (started already for past 4 days @ 30mg a day)
100 25mg winny tabs
10cc 100mg winny inj.
100 10mg nolva
I am 35y/o 5'9" 192# 14% BF. did 1 deca only cycle 5yrs ago(no pct-STUPID!!) and also a deca/var cycle 2 summers ago w PCT... had my ACL done 4months ago & its time to get back to summer shape. thanks bros