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Thread: Znak's IGF-1 LR Journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Znak's IGF-1 LR Journal

    Did my research. Talked to people here on this site and started my LR3-IGF-1 Cycle today.

    I bought a lot of stuff, but have decided to take is easy on my first cycle. I will do 28 days at 60 iu ed.

    I would like to note some of the findings of my research.

    It seems that there is not a universal opinion as to when it is best to take IGF-1 LR3. Most people anecdotally recommend post work out (PWO). All of the literature that I found supports the idea that the substance is active “for at least 24 hours”. I got good advice here on the board not to worry about when you take it. Obviously if the substance is active for 24 hours staggering a dosage over the day is pointless unless you are taking enough to want to insure a uniform level throughout the day. I don’t think that this applies to my dosage. I will inject in the AM prior to breakfast.

    Storage temperatures are another item that most people can’t seem to agree on. The research companies send the substance with an ice pack, but every study I have seen seems to indicate that there is no loss in potency at room temperature even when stored for months. I will be using mine after being stored at room temperature for about nine hours.

    I will keep you all posted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Good luck. I've heard nothing but good things about IGF-1 LR-3.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Good luck, and I look forward to hearing your results.

    Are you using lyophilized powder, reconstituted with acetic acid?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    PWO injections are best, on training days, AM on none training days, keeping it in the frig is best too. It may be active for 24 hours, but it has a half-life and you want to use it when your body needs it. After you have worked your muscles, they can use the insulin-like factor, to shuttle those nutrient into those worked muscles, from your meal or shake that you consume after training.

    Hope to hear about your results.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    PWO injections are best, on training days, AM on none training days, keeping it in the frig is best too. It may be active for 24 hours, but it has a half-life and you want to use it when your body needs it. After you have worked your muscles, they can use the insulin-like factor, to shuttle those nutrient into those worked muscles, from your meal or shake that you consume after training.

    Hope to hear about your results.

    I got twisted around the axle on doing it PWO and refridgerating it and postponed this cycle for two months. Neither were possible for me on this cycle. Most of the Bros here thought that it was not a show stopper.

    Anyway, we'll see what happens on a "non-optimal" cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bro at our age, I think it's great. I have low HGH/IGF-1 so it worked great for me. Give it a go, you could be like me and get some nice results.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Bro at our age, I think it's great. I have low HGH/IGF-1 so it worked great for me. Give it a go, you could be like me and get some nice results.

    Yeah, us old buzzards need this stuff.

    I liked lr3 IGF-1 but it wasn't the holy grail IMO. I ran 2mls for a month with test enathate and tbol. My bis/tris grew really well during that cycle. My arms have always been hard to put size on but now they're moving.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Back in from the Cold
    Day 1


    Weight- 207

    Height- 6’1”

    Waist- 33”

    BF- 12% (caliper method)

    As would be expected there is not a whole lot to write. My work out was a little strange. I did not seem to have the “umph”, that I normally have. I did biceps/triceps. I normally start with weighted dips, but really had a hard time getting going. I beat the sh*t out of my chest the day before, so that might be part of the problem. By the time I did skull crushers, I was back to my normal insane self, so it probably was the fact that my chest really had not recovered.

    Injections are very easy. There is no redness around the injection area or irritation that I have heard some people report.

    Joints seem sensitive.

    Sleep is already great.

    Could be the placebo effect, but I seem more alert in the morning (could just be looking forward to getting results).

    BP same as usual 110/75

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    good to see your keeping a log, i'll def gonna keep my eye on it. i loved your hgh log so i def gonna follow this one either.

    take care,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    colorado mountains
    looking forward to folowing your progress , i read your last diary on gh , if this is half as good it will be a good read..

  11. #11
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    Day three

    Some cool stuff already happening. I am down 4 pounds, which for me is not all that unusual since my weight fluctuates about five pounds depending on my diet that day, water consumption, etc. But I am definitely feeling tighter. I know that my igf-1 level is low naturally, so this may just be the Holy Grail for an old dude like me. I will post the exact number later, so that people that know their levels can get a reference point.

    I am very tired. I took a nap today in the middle of the day after cardio, before my leg work out. But hey, what the hell, that is what holidays are for. My strength was back, not like the prior workout when my chest was tired before I even got started, but then again, my legs are by far the strongest part on my body.

    Good work outs, but am not seeing the crazy pumps that everyone talks about, but stuff seems to be working.

    Weight 204
    Height- no change
    Waist- Didn't check
    Last edited by znak; 05-28-2006 at 09:11 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Day number four

    Morning inject prior to breakfast. No work-out today. Pumps are taking effect. I ran a couple miles on the beach last night and my calves are killing me this morning.

    The four pounds have stayed off, so I have lost some body fat. Generally feel tighter. I am planning to measure my waist again at day seven. I really want an objective reading.

    The over all effect of igf-1 as near as I can tell is like hgh, it is much more subtle than AAS. My mood is good, sleeping well, but seem tired during the day. These are all things that are very hgh-like.

    For those not familiar with IM injections with a slin pin—they are really a piece of cake, painless and quick. They are actually less painful than sub-q, which is really saying a lot. I have been alternating the three heads on my delts going side to side. Plenty of turf, so I might stay there all 28 days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Day 5

    When you read that this stuff will improve your appetite, believe it!

    I cannot believe how hungry I am all the time. If I would have found this stuff this stuff in my natty days, I could have gotten over 200 lbs with out much trouble at all. Thank God the holidays are over; I could have eaten myself to death. I am serious. Normally, I am a very picky eater, which is good for lean muscle mass, but not so good when you are trying to put on mass. Especially when I just started lifting and trying to gain weight, I literally had to/have to force myself to eat six times a day. Now, well, suffice it to say I am eating a salad with egg and chicken breast while I write these words and mourn the fact that soon the food will end…

    I can see why igf-1 is good in combination with AAS. You bros having problems putting on mass might want to write this down.

    Strange thing is that I don’t seem to be putting on weight. I will weight myself at the gym tonight. If I didn’t gain (fat) from my feeding frenzy, I will be amazed.

    Second thing is that igf-1 must also bump up your testosterone. At my age, morning wood is not a given and I normally use it to gauge when gear is kicking in. Well, the igf-1 has kicked in. My wife is loving the increased attention. I’ll tell you there is nothing more fun that a vacation with woman that looks twenty and has the sex drive of a thirty five year old woman… but I will try to stick with the IGF-1 here.

    The lethargy is getting better. Sleep is great. Waking up is tough. Life is good.
    Last edited by znak; 05-30-2006 at 03:54 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    yes, I have ran GH before, but due to the cost of it I am switching to IGF-1 really soon. I'm glad to hear about your results, I'm in my bulking phase right now and am currently 243lbs, I'm trying to get up around 260 and I'm definitely looking for an edge. What I want to know though, are how retainable are the gains from IGF-1 as compared to GH?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    yes, I have ran GH before, but due to the cost of it I am switching to IGF-1 really soon. I'm glad to hear about your results, I'm in my bulking phase right now and am currently 243lbs, I'm trying to get up around 260 and I'm definitely looking for an edge. What I want to know though, are how retainable are the gains from IGF-1 as compared to GH?
    This is my first igf-1 cycle, so I can't say how long these results will last. But the appetite and the shuttling effect will both help you with a bulking cycle.

    Unlike true love, HGH gains and herpes last forever.

  16. #16
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    Back in from the Cold
    Day six

    Weird Stuff happening.

    I did chest yesterday. I was feeling good, so decided to do maximum weight in the 3-4 rep range. Did a nice slow warm up and got up to three plates. So far, so good. Pushed the plates for four reps. So far so good (for me at least). Racked the bar. Four more. Racked the bar. I was not feeling all that strong, so I asked for a spotter and did five, but the fifth was ugly. You know what I mean, I was all twisted around and shakey…

    I took a plate off each side and did four reps and literally died. I mean nothing. No juice, no nothing. The pump was ok, but I was dead meat. Never seen anything like it.

    So I thought F*ck this, I’ll do some DBs. Took the 90’s and started pumping away and once again just died on my 12th rep. It is really like I just run out of gas, not a gradual loss, I mean fast, like 11 was ok and 12 was “no way”.

    I was now pumped, but really had not had a work out, so I went over to the wimp section to work on the machines, so I didn’t drop a bar on my freaking head and kill myself.

    I could barely push two plates on a machine!!! I mean WTF?

    Anyone got a clue on as to what is going on? This sux.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    Day six

    Weird Stuff happening.

    I did chest yesterday. I was feeling good, so decided to do maximum weight in the 3-4 rep range. Did a nice slow warm up and got up to three plates. So far, so good. Pushed the plates for four reps. So far so good (for me at least). Racked the bar. Four more. Racked the bar. I was not feeling all that strong, so I asked for a spotter and did five, but the fifth was ugly. You know what I mean, I was all twisted around and shakey…

    I took a plate off each side and did four reps and literally died. I mean nothing. No juice, no nothing. The pump was ok, but I was dead meat. Never seen anything like it.

    So I thought F*ck this, I’ll do some DBs. Took the 90’s and started pumping away and once again just died on my 12th rep. It is really like I just run out of gas, not a gradual loss, I mean fast, like 11 was ok and 12 was “no way”.

    I was now pumped, but really had not had a work out, so I went over to the wimp section to work on the machines, so I didn’t drop a bar on my freaking head and kill myself.

    I could barely push two plates on a machine!!! I mean WTF?

    Anyone got a clue on as to what is going on? This sux.
    Are you taking in enough carbs PWO?

  18. #18
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    I did back yesterday. After the piss-poor chest day I had the day before (which very strangely left my chest sore!), I decided that I was so far from overtraining that I would work out two days in a row, which I normally don’t do.

    Seemed to have more juice that I did on Chest day, but I still gotta say that my stamina is a lot less than usual. I have read a lot of posts here where people are talking about “pump” or a “pump that is painful”, this could be what is happening to me. I have good genetics and my muscles really get engorged with blood, however usually it takes a lot of sets for me to reach failure, things are definitely different.

    I did make adjustments in my diet to add carbs (fruit in my PWO shake), but I am not using dextrose. My diet is very clean (with very rare lapses like over the holidays when I pigged out on ribs). So I don’t think diet is causing a lack of stamina.

    I am definitely becoming more vascular. Feel tighter. Chest looks pumped even today. Lost ½ inch on my waist. Weight is stable, so I put on a little mass.

    The jury is still out as to whether I like this compound.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    How are things going?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    The stuff is kicking in.

    I have lost an inch on my waist, which is amazing considering how much I am eating. I am getting tighter and more vascular with each day. I will take some pictures of my delts over the weekend to show what is going in, This is kind of cool.

    My main goal of this cycle is to cut. I would really like to get into single digits and know my body, I am beginning to feel like it is going to happen.

    Sleep is still great. I have gotten a great night sleep every night for a week and really feel rested.

    In general, after week one of igf-1, I am getting the effects that I would expect in month 3 of an HGH cycle—well rested, feeling tight, shedding fat…

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I am on day 4 of IGF...seeing alot of the same stuff...cant get up, tired, hungry. I think it feels kind of like a more mild slin effect stretched out for 6 hours post injection. Workouts are fair to poor..seem tired, think now that I need to eat more carbs. Keep up the journal bro...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    i just started my igf1-lr3 cycle and hopein to get great results runnin it with test c and tren so good luck to u bro keep us posted

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Things are getting better. Seattlejunk pointed me in the right direction. With igf-1, the time of carb intake is extremely important. Yesterday, I ate a couple of squares of 70% cocoa chocolate about 30 minutes before my work out and WOW what a difference.

    I had stamina and what is more I had stamina enough to get pumps to die for. I did arms alternating exercises between bi’s and tri’s and by isolation curls my arms were actually more pumped that every before in my life. It was a beautiful thing.

    Arms seem fuller today. Looking tighter. Good stuff happening.

    Carb intake timing--- lesson learned.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    glad to read you like it and are making some decent gains.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    can you elaborate a bit on the carb timing your talking about, thanks..

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    can you elaborate a bit on the carb timing your talking about, thanks..
    I normally do not eat before I work out. I have a meal at about 3pm and work out at 5pm. With igf-1, it seems that my resources are depleted by that time. When I ate a small amount of simple carbs (about 300 calories), my work out on igf was a LOT better.

    The compound makes you very hungry. It also make you burn fat. Ergo, it raises you metabolism.

    It seems that I was running out of gas half-way through my work out because I had already depleted my gycogen stores before the work out even started. That is what I would conclude based on the short "experiment" that I have done.

    I know my body very well. I know what my energy level usually is at every point of a work out based on timing, intensity, load and diet. Normally, I dod not need to prime the pump prior to work out.

    Bottom line,, my body needs some simple carbs before or perhaps even during a work out to function at pre-igf-1 supplimentation levels.

  27. #27
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    No work out today.

    I am beginning to see why people like this stuff. My core is gettting very tight. My waist is down to 32" which is a whole inch in about about a week.

    My energy has come back, so it seems that igf-1 is like hgh in that way, i.e. you get tired for a while, then it slowly goes away.

    I am beginning to believe that my goal of getting to single digits for BF is totally realistic.

    Things are looking good.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Right on! after reading your last post I am drinking some OJ before my workout..I will see if that helps.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Finally figuring out why people use this stuff.

    My waist is down an inch, my love handles are gone. Mind you, this might not be a big deal for most people, but look at my avatar. I am not what you would call fat. But at my age, I developed a about an inch or two on my sides that I just have not been able to get rid of. They were very convenient for hgh, cause my gut got so ripped I couldn’t pinch an inch, but those suckers where always there. It is like saying good-bye to an old friend. Fricking awesome. Serious. They are gone!

    I also figured out the diet needed to get a good workout. My diet is very, very low carb. Even when I am bulking, I just eat more clean food. Now I eat a cup of oatmeal and a couple squares of 70% cocoa chocolate and I am on.

    The pumps really are to die for. I thought my biceps were going to pop like a fricking zit the other day doing concentration curls.

    Yesterday I did legs- Squats, ham pulls, BB lunges and then… single leg machine presses. Nice and slow. Heavy and low. Thirty per side. You could see the fricking fibers on my quads and I thought “two more reps and these sucker are going to blow”.

    I have added cardio twice a week. I play two hours of tennis and then swim a mile. Most of my cardio playing tennis comes from running around collecting the balls. My wife kicks my ass every time. Strength don’t help at all in tennis and she always seems to hit the ball where I am not… Any way, it is summer and running back and forth like a deranged idiot burns calories.

    Single digits here I come!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Awesome log Znak.

    Are you eating much below your maintainence kcals?


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    how do u take ur all pwo or hlaf be4 and half after?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    im takin mine 20mcgs be4 and 20mcgs after workout and today was my offically first day on it so hopein to see great results lik u man im also runin tren and test with it

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Awesome log Znak.

    Are you eating much below your maintainence kcals?

    The weird thing is that I am eating well above my maintenance calorie input. I am eating almost 24/7. Same thing happens to me with hgh. My metabolism goes into warp speed and I really have to eat to keep from wasting away. Some people would like this problem, but the last 55 pounds of muscle took me ages to put on and I cherish every ounce! (Well maybe not cherish, but I like it.)

    Contrary to everyone’s advice, I am doing 60mcg ed in the AM. I could not work it out to do PWO, so I am doing a “sub-optimal” cycle, but it seems to be working.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    That's outrageous znak. Keep it up. I wish you would of taken pics.


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    i'm on day 2 of my first igf cycle

    i hope i can see as much benefit as you znak

    its interesting to see you say u have put on mass
    certain posts i have read would leave me to believe this is impossible
    (i remember a certain argument between pinnacle and ps carb about this)

    but i am new to the substance so i dont know till i try myself

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    i'm on day 2 of my first igf cycle

    i hope i can see as much benefit as you znak

    its interesting to see you say u have put on mass
    certain posts i have read would leave me to believe this is impossible
    (i remember a certain argument between pinnacle and ps carb about this)

    but i am new to the substance so i dont know till i try myself
    Those are two really sharp bros, but my experience is my experience. If my waist size got smaller and my weight is the same, I have either gained muscle or am holding water.

    I have lost an inch and have not lost weight that is a fact. I look trimmer... ergo, I think I have gained.

    1buffsob- I did take picture. I just have not put them on my computer yet, I hope to do this before the weekend.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    I'll be running this compound durring my PCT. I'm glad you are keeping such a great log for all the members here znak. Looking forward to the pics as well ....... In a totally......... heterosexual way.



  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2006
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    ive been reading up on IGF and ive read that after u get off u loose all ur gains. could u be the 1st to keep the journal going for a wk or so after ur done with the cycle

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Back in from the Cold
    Day 12

    Almost half way though this cycle and am still learning.

    Today’s lesson was not really a happy one. I got stuck in the meeting from hell at work and missed my 10am feeding and was an hour late for my 12pm feeding. My head still hurts. I got a raging headache (which is very rare for me) about half way through the fricking four hour meeting. I won’t make that mistake again.

    I will be very curious to see what my weight is when I get home, I feel like I have been wasting away. My waist size 32 pants are getting big.

    Adding cardio was a stroke of genius- it is nice and hot here in Florida and I lose three pounds of water weight chasing the balls around the court playing tennis and most people have to pay thousands of dollars to swim in the ocean for an hour.

    I am now lifting Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and playing “tennis” and swimming Tuesday and Thursday.

    Two more weeks of this and I should be pretty dry.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005
    This log is already a blessing from the gods! Thanks znak. My igf-1 from lion is in the mail. I should be getting it the end of the week.

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