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Thread: Workout question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Workout question

    Three weeks ago, I was 5'9'' and 218 lbs. Now I'm about 208 and feel good about what I've done. However, lately, I'm feeling extremely tired and wore out.

    This is what my routine has been.,


    30 min jog about 3.6 miles around 12:00

    Chest and triceps around 5:30p


    30 min jog about 3.6 miles around 12:00

    Lats, shoulders, biceps in the evening


    No cardio
    Complete leg workout in the evening


    30 min jog about 3.6 miles around 12:00
    Chest & triceps in the evening


    30 min jog about 3.6 miles around 12:00
    Lats, shoulders, biceps in the evening


    no cardio
    complete leg workout



    Here is my question:


    My goal is drop fat and gain muscle. I'm trying to drop the fat as quickly as possible accepting minimal muscle gains because of my diet and amount of cardio. What are your thoughts about this routine? Please give pointers.



  2. #2
    Well bro, dropping fat too fast is not a good idea. You will lose WAY too much muscle with it. Take your time and keep a good solid pace. I'd say no more than 2-3 pounds a week after the initial drop (due to water, etc...). I think you may be doing too much weight training if you are dieting. If you are not taking any AS, definitely cut back to each muscle once a week. I wouldn't train with weights more than 3 days a week if I were you. Also, make sure you are keeping your protein up real high, and slowly drop your calories each week (by lowering carb intake). Have you thought about taking any clen,T3,ketotifen,ECA, or Winny? If your diet and training are in good shape, these can help quite a bit. But, they are NO replacement for a poor diet or haphazard training.

    Hope that helps... Good luck!

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