How is better to inject 500mgs of omna /week,twice a week at 250mgs every shot,or the whole dose of 500 at once?
How is better to inject 500mgs of omna /week,twice a week at 250mgs every shot,or the whole dose of 500 at once?
split the 500mg dose up into EOD shots
How to conserve the gear?frige will be fine?In eod shoti will lose some of 500 mg on the end of the syringe each time.
try and get an extra vial or three, and transfer all your amps to vials...that way you can take out what you need and dont need to worry about leavin an open vial around....or just preload a syrige, and use only what you need...also if eod shots arent going to work, go with 250mg monday morning, and thursday night...
Ok...i think ill go for monday morning and thursday night....to much needle in eod.Thanks
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