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Thread: diabetic newbie question

  1. #1

    diabetic newbie question

    Hey everyone, like the title says i'm a newbie at this, but I want to learn as much as I can before I decide what to do. I've been lifting for about 3 yrs now, and am thinking about doing my first cycle, of what I don't really know yet. The thing I am aprehensive about is that i'm a type 1 diabetic, controled with humalog insulin with a insulin pump. Does anyone have any tips, tricks, encouragement, discouragement, suggestions, etc for someone in my situation? Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    I cannot say dont do steroids, but I had a friend in your position who did not do them just adjusted his insulin and ate alot more and is huge... Insulin is very dangerous, but you know that, it also shuttles the most anabolic stuff into your muscles... FOOD.

    Adjust your eating and adjust the slin to compensate and look out you will grow... be careful again.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Hey guy...I'm diabetic what is it that you want to do???..i'm type 2 although I use humalog also.Diabetes is nothing that will stop you.Research bro thats what you want to do here.Read and and questions.Go to to the diet forum there is much to learn there.Nutrition is one of the main keys in this also will determine how your blood glucose is contolled.By the way welcome to AR.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies. As of right now I am not 100% of what I am going to do, like you suggested Bigmax I'm doing lots of research before I make any decision.

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