Severe hormone induced cystic acne will not go away from rubbing dish soap or Nizoral shampoo on on your back and Pantothenic Acid vitamins did jack shit for me even at 10-20grams a day for several weeks. This crap may help the guys that have some zits from sweating but not from a serious hormone imbalance causing cystic acne... I've tried every available prescription anti biotic, Benzol, Retin-A, Nizoral, Vitamins and nothing worked. My bacne is finally gone, 4 months after my last Clomid dose. I have been left with discoloration my dermatologist said will take at least a year to go away. Thankfully scarring was minimal, just a few spots on my shoulders. I am convinced the only solution for stubborn acne/bacne from using gear is to wait it out or take accutane. Don't waste your time and money on these rediculous "cures" posted on this board if you have cystic acne on your back or shoulders from using anabolic steroids or clomid.