Advice guys Just came off an 8 week cycle. I am 6ft 235 11% bf Training 10yrs numerous cycles.
1-8 1000mg sustanon
1-8 100ml tren e/d
1-8 100ml test enth e/d
3-8 50ml anavar
Clomid nolva straight through
been off about 5 wks
going to start a cutting cycle in 2 to 3 weeks witch looks like this
1-8 winny 50ml e/d
1-8 test prop e/d
1-8 tren 75ml e/d
3-8 masteron 100ml e/o/d
1-8 .25 adex ed
3-8 cytomel t3 50 e/d
hcg every 4-5 day
pct with clomod ans nolva tappering down till15 weeks
my question is should i wait and stay off longer than the 8 to 10 wks
all advice welcome thanks guys. first real cutting cycle pretty hard now gained about 15lbs of good weight on the above cycle