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Thread: First Time IGF-1 LR3 User

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    east coast

    First Time IGF-1 LR3 User

    I just recieved my IGF-1 LR3 media grade. It came with instructions and a solution to dilute it with. I am confused because I been researching this chem and all over the site says to reconstitute it with AA or BA. The instructions state:

    1. Use 2-3 ml water solution (only use the water supplied) and measure vial dose accordingly
    2. DO NOT use benzl alcohol (BA) or any other water to dilute.
    3. Each vial will yield 1000mcgs (1mg) of IGF-1 per vial.
    4. Inject water slowly down side of vial DO NOt force.
    5. Twirl solution gently and softly allowing to fully dissolve.
    6. ONLY inject via deep tissue intramuscular. Massage area after shot to allow for full absorption.
    7. ONLY use insulin pins.
    8. Practice sterile injections at all times.
    9. MUST keep refrigerated VERY COLD at all times once reconstituted.
    10. Store at JUST above freezing temperature. DO NOT FREEZE.
    11. Best temperature is just above 0 degrees Celcius.
    12. Once reconstituted it is stable at up to 8-12 weeks whilst refrigerated very cold at all times
    13. Is stable at room temp in its dry state during shipping, due to its unique stability formula.

    I am 5' 8'' 234lbs. at 12% BF. Currently running 900mgs of test enth and 800mgs of eq. Would like some feed back on what you guys think and if 40mcgs PWO would be a good starting point? Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    All those instruction sound good, 40mcg in the minimum dose, if you could run 60mcg that would be better.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    east coast
    Thank you bro But should I add more than 2-3ml of dilutent so that it will be easier to measure on the slin pin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    east coast
    Comments anybody, please? What should I expect?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You can if it'll make it easier for you to measure


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    my crib
    Quote Originally Posted by ShortFuse
    I just recieved my IGF-1 LR3 media grade. It came with instructions and a solution to dilute it with. I am confused because I been researching this chem and all over the site says to reconstitute it with AA or BA. The instructions state:

    1. Use 2-3 ml water solution (only use the water supplied) and measure vial dose accordingly
    2. DO NOT use benzl alcohol (BA) or any other water to dilute.
    3. Each vial will yield 1000mcgs (1mg) of IGF-1 per vial.
    4. Inject water slowly down side of vial DO NOt force.
    5. Twirl solution gently and softly allowing to fully dissolve.
    6. ONLY inject via deep tissue intramuscular. Massage area after shot to allow for full absorption.
    7. ONLY use insulin pins.
    8. Practice sterile injections at all times.
    9. MUST keep refrigerated VERY COLD at all times once reconstituted.
    10. Store at JUST above freezing temperature. DO NOT FREEZE.
    11. Best temperature is just above 0 degrees Celcius.
    12. Once reconstituted it is stable at up to 8-12 weeks whilst refrigerated very cold at all times
    13. Is stable at room temp in its dry state during shipping, due to its unique stability formula.

    I am 5' 8'' 234lbs. at 12% BF. Currently running 900mgs of test enth and 800mgs of eq. Would like some feed back on what you guys think and if 40mcgs PWO would be a good starting point? Thanks for the help!

    What "water solution" came with the kit? I've heard alot of different things regardiing what to use for reconstitutiion. BA, AA, HCl, etc. what is best, or is it dependant on quality or brand of the IGF? Or can any of those listed be used? Thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    mine came with sum aa to mix and sum hcl i just pull out around 40 units of hcl and then my 20mcgs preworkout and use that then do my second shot after my work out at the same thing i use 1cc of the aa in the vial to mix the igf1 and i use a 1/2cc slin pin so one tick is 10mcgs so its easy to measure out

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