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Thread: Chewing/Jaw pain while on hgh?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Chewing/Jaw pain while on hgh?

    Well I have been on jin hgh for 1.5 months now @ 4 iu/ED (6 on/1 off). This past week I have noticed jaw pain when I eat or chew food and it is pretty darn bad. Its on the right side only. Has anyone had this problem before? This should not be happening at this dosage and this particular time (1.5 months). Usually when a pain happens during chewing or a particular movement, that isn't good, whereas pain in the jaw all the time would mean the hgh is affecting the "joints" there. My right side molars are hurting as well. Could this possibly be wisdom teeth? I have not had mine removed, and have never had pain from them before (so I dont know what it feels like)...when I chew the jaw and teeth hurt together, mostly feels like jaw pain though. I presume it is the wisdom teeth, possibly the hgh affecting them. Any input?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think what you're experiencing is fairly normal. It is def possibly for one to experience sides as such that far through the cycle and at that dose. If it keeps on happening and the pain is unbarable, I would lower the dose, but sides like that usually come and go. Wether it's your widom teeth or your jaw is something that is beyond my knowledge.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sounds like what i had whilst on gh..Dentist called it TMJ temporal mandular something lol..Not serious but aches and cracks now and then/can cause headaches too!!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    Sounds like what i had whilst on gh..Dentist called it TMJ temporal mandular something lol..Not serious but aches and cracks now and then/can cause headaches too!!

    I can understand your jaw having pain while on GH but, if anything...the Gh should tighten your jaws tendons and ligaments over time and TMJ syndrome is caused by a loose popping jaw which is caused by lax or overused tendons and ligaments in the jaw area.

    I am no expert on GH by any means though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I'll have to ask my dentist as i 'for obvious reasons' didn't tell him i was taking gh at the I did pop my jaw out from being in a guillotine choke by my brother..It popped out and then went straight back in..Lucky me!!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    I'll have to ask my dentist as i 'for obvious reasons' didn't tell him i was taking gh at the I did pop my jaw out from being in a guillotine choke by my brother..It popped out and then went straight back in..Lucky me!!!

    Wow! yeah that might have had something to do with your jaw popping after that little occurence(ouch).

    I would say there was definitley a lax tendon or ligament in your jaw after that.

    Heck I would probably run GH just because of that incident alone!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Well it hurts, but I chew softly and it isnt bad...I know some specialists but dont want to tell them that I am on GH because I am not on a prescription and I am "self diagnosing". I would say jaw is a bit tighter if anything, but that could be placebo effect. If anyone has a doc and can ask them about this I would appreciate it. I would prefer a max/fac physician cause I can find out from an IM but they really dont know speicifcs. I have a buddy who works in rad and he is going to run the works on me for free since he runs a private practice. I will post anything significant on here...thanks guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Yeah you definately should see the Maxilliofacial dept as they are great at diagnosis and will x-ray the area too..Tendons etc is another story tho..I have no idea as what they will do then..I was told i must wear sum kind of gumshield..Definately get it checked bro!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Never heard or experienced a jaw pain or ever read about it. Just because you are on GH does not mean that is the reaseon. I would see a dentist.
    Any kind of bad bite or over crowed teeth or incoming teeth can cause you
    jaw pain, headaches, ect.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Any kind of bad bite or over crowed teeth or incoming teeth can cause you
    jaw pain, headaches, ect.[/QUOTE]

    This is the case with tmj

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    The GH could be making the wisdom teeth grow faster and now they need to be pulled? BTW, how old are you?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    hey bro,

    I have been on Jino HGH for about now for about six months @4iu. (First month at 2iu). After the first month I had similar jaw pain at the joints on both sides. I searched but could not find an explanation on this board. After month three the pain just went away. I have not had the same problem since.

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