Well I have been on jin hgh for 1.5 months now @ 4 iu/ED (6 on/1 off). This past week I have noticed jaw pain when I eat or chew food and it is pretty darn bad. Its on the right side only. Has anyone had this problem before? This should not be happening at this dosage and this particular time (1.5 months). Usually when a pain happens during chewing or a particular movement, that isn't good, whereas pain in the jaw all the time would mean the hgh is affecting the "joints" there. My right side molars are hurting as well. Could this possibly be wisdom teeth? I have not had mine removed, and have never had pain from them before (so I dont know what it feels like)...when I chew the jaw and teeth hurt together, mostly feels like jaw pain though. I presume it is the wisdom teeth, possibly the hgh affecting them. Any input?