curious i anyone has heard of HGH from anywere in the world that is sold at 100iu per vial rather than 10iu/vial or more?
curious i anyone has heard of HGH from anywere in the world that is sold at 100iu per vial rather than 10iu/vial or more?
proably its says 100ius but really if u asked ittd be in 10 x 10iu vials / i think
No none of them will be that big as noted above it is 10-10IU vials. GH will not last long enough to use up 100IU (under normal use).Originally Posted by Medicine Man
Saizen comes in 26.4 iu vials. Thats the biggie. Nice don't have to mix it all the time.
Originally Posted by Ufa
^^^^ very true I hate having to mix Jin every other day.. when I used Soma I had 9mg bottles and that was nice it lasted about a week.
The 8.8 mg vials are nice. They come with BC water. I hated breaking thoseOriginally Posted by oldman
JIN tops off. One busted in my fingers. Thing is with Saizen they can be
kept at roop temp until expiration or reconstitution. They are made with
(mammalian cell) as opposed to (E. coli) thats how Serano got around
Gentech's patented method of making it in bacterial cells of E.coli)
Last edited by Ufa; 06-12-2006 at 12:46 PM.
Originally Posted by Ufa
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let's not forget Nutropin. Dont even need to reconstitute that big boy.
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