I think if the former were true then a simple dextrose shake would be superior if not equal to using exogenous insulin. Bodybuilders have probably realized the power of administering insulin due to its rapid onset when taken intermuscularly right after training... boosting plasma levels immediately. Incoming glucose will first replensish liver glycogen which - I could be wrong, doesn't even require an insulin spike initially. And as I said earlier - rising insulin equals lowering cortisol... sooner the better PWO...
But a lot of this is specualtion for the sake of arguement and you bring up interesting ideas - I like roundtables like this. When I have some more time I will dig through the journals and PubMed and try and find something more. When I first joined here this is the type of stuff i would post constantly. Keep reading the abstracts, books by credible authors and discussing in Interent forums dude... then apply on yourself and document your results - and then share them!