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Thread: How to split higher HGH dosages?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    How to split higher HGH dosages?

    Im thinking of bumping up my gh dosage to 12ius 5/2 for my next AAS cycle. Im at 8ius 5/2 at the moment. I will be increasing my dose at .5iu every week until I get to the 12iu mark. Currently, I take 4ius upon arising, 4ius preworkout. My question is, how do I spread the higher dosages throughout the day? How many times should I spread my dose and how many iu's per dose?

  2. #2
    When I break 10IU/day on my next cycle I will split them as follows,

    Ex. 12iu
    4IU am
    4IU Pre-workout
    4IU pm


    10iu EOD
    3iu am
    4iu Pre-workout
    3iu pm
    (this is how I did it with 10IU (EOD/training days) the last time I ran it with great results).
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  3. #3
    How do you feel the results compared to a high dose ED? And do you drop your dose between cycles?

    Reason I ask is I have been playing with my dosage. I really like 8iu's a day, but really am trying to figure out if 8 is a waste, when 4 would give me the same thing. As I am also tempted to do the EOD dosing or 3 times a week dosing totaling 40 - 50 ius a week just from some of the anecdotal evidence I have seen. Any thoughts?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Neuromancer
    How do you feel the results compared to a high dose ED? And do you drop your dose between cycles? When I do ED injects I only run 5IU/day 6on1off but am contemplating running 8-10iu/day 5on2off (this is between cycles). I'm not a very good person to ask about this in all honesty because I have only about a year and a half of GH experience so I'm still in the experimenting phase myself so I can see what works best for MY body. But I did enjoy jumping dosage during cycle to EOD and then dropping it back down to more of a maintainance between, also saves on cash.

    Reason I ask is I have been playing with my dosage. I really like 8iu's a day, but really am trying to figure out if 8 is a waste, when 4 would give me the same thing. As I am also tempted to do the EOD dosing or 3 times a week dosing totaling 40 - 50 ius a week just from some of the anecdotal evidence I have seen. Any thoughts?

    Hope this helped. Hoping Pinnacle, Rodge, Johnny, Redbaron and some others will jump in with their experiences.. I'm still a rookie in the GH department considering the length of time I've been on it.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  5. #5
    How long did it take you to get up to that dose? Do you see any major side effects?

  6. #6
    hmm.. I'll let Gear reply first as I don't want to hijack his thread Pm me for further info if you'd like.

    You've got to realize though everyone reacts much differently to HGH so I wouldn't base anything off of MY personal experiences with the drug. Trial and error is key.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Thanx IBdmfkr, great info. No problem with hijacking my thread, Im enjoying the read.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Hope this helped. Hoping Pinnacle, Rodge, Johnny, Redbaron and some others will jump in with their experiences.. I'm still a rookie in the GH department considering the length of time I've been on it.
    The more info the better! I do appreciate it!

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