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Thread: Humulin-R Newbie Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Humulin-R Newbie Question

    Hi everyone,

    I have a question before starting using slin with my cycle.

    Since I usually train during the evenings, around 7pm, and usually go to bed around 11:30, I don't think it would be a good idea to take my shot post workout (which would be around 9pm), from all I've read about it being in your system for 10-12 hours after injection.

    That being said, I was told to use 2iu's twice a day.
    If so, I was thinking of taking 2iu's in the morning with breakfast, which will contain high protein and carbs and another 2iu's during the day at approx. noon with my lunch, again a solid meal high in protein and carbs.

    Any expert advice on this? Is this ok and as well a safe dosage for someone who has never used insulin previously?

    Thank you all in advance for your time and help!

  2. #2
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    N.D-soon bak home 2 S.D
    I have never used insulin. I am gonna in 2 months. i know your to take 10g of carbs per unit. i will be using 8-10 units post workout to see how i react. I workout at 5 till 630, then i got to bed at 1130. So i dont see a problem.

    I am 240lbs, 6'5, 8%bf. just got done cutting.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
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    There is no need to take insulin anymore than once p/day. Use PWO only as that is when insulin is mostly beneficial.

    You will find that 2IU is more than likely to do nothing for you, it is considered as a very very low dose. I suggest you start on 4IU and increase the dose if necessary. In most cases, many will find that they need more than 4IU, but everyone is different so it may not be the same case for you and that is why I'm suggesting for you to start on 4IU. When I use insulin, I need at least 7 - 8IU to get an effect from it, but that's just me. You won't know what you need untill you try it.

    I strongly suggest you get Humalog insulin. It is a faster cating insulin therefore would be much easier to use. If you do use Humalog and want to go to bed at around 11:30, then I suggest you don't have your shot any later than 7pm.

    Good luck.

    Last edited by Gear; 06-10-2006 at 06:34 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Thanks for the response.
    I have been reading that humalog is faster acting and out of the system quicker, yes, but from what I'm hearing, it seems that it is a much "bumpier" ride in regards to going in a hypoglycemic state and side effects than humulin-r.

    The other challenge is I can't get a hold of humalog here. Could you still guide me with the Humulin-R? I already have it and would like to start on Monday with my cycle. Now I understand that you are suggesting it as a post-workout only but since I train in the evenings (no other way since I work all day), what would you suggest?

    Thanks again and I appreciate you taking the time to help out.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 2DaTop
    Thanks for the response.
    I have been reading that humalog is faster acting and out of the system quicker, yes, but from what I'm hearing, it seems that it is a much "bumpier" ride in regards to going in a hypoglycemic state and side effects than humulin-r.

    The other challenge is I can't get a hold of humalog here. Could you still guide me with the Humulin-R? I already have it and would like to start on Monday with my cycle. Now I understand that you are suggesting it as a post-workout only but since I train in the evenings (no other way since I work all day), what would you suggest?

    Thanks again and I appreciate you taking the time to help out.
    I use my humulin-R post work out and that is as late as 10:30 pm and then go to bed around 1 am. Ive never had any problems as long as I eat a good solid meal before I get to bed, something that breaks down slowly for a nice long release into bloodstream. I always take the postworkout shake with dextrose and follow up with one or two more meals.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2DaTop
    Thanks for the response.
    I have been reading that humalog is faster acting and out of the system quicker, yes, but from what I'm hearing, it seems that it is a much "bumpier" ride in regards to going in a hypoglycemic state and side effects than humulin-r.

    The other challenge is I can't get a hold of humalog here. Could you still guide me with the Humulin-R? I already have it and would like to start on Monday with my cycle. Now I understand that you are suggesting it as a post-workout only but since I train in the evenings (no other way since I work all day), what would you suggest?

    Thanks again and I appreciate you taking the time to help out.
    Humalog side effects can arrive fast because Humalog has a fast on-set time. Having said that, if you are a bit worried about side effects arriving fast, then I recomend you take insulin Sub-Q not IM. When you take insulin sub-q, the insulin will get into your blood stream at slower rate therefore side effects won't be as bad.

    Humalin's on-set time is 30 minutes, therefore, you should be having an injection 15 minutes before you finish training, so then 15 min post training the insulin will kick in. This is if you are taking it Sub-Q. If you take it IM, I would take it about 5 min before you finish training and it should kick in about 15 min after that.


    * Train
    * 15 minutes before you finish training you should go to the toilet and have your slin. Then I would train for another 15 minutes post injection. Once that 15 minutes is up, your training session is over. Another 15 minutes later, the insulin should start taking an effect on your body.
    * As soon as you finish training have your dex/gluta/creatine.
    *15 minutes later (when the slin kicks in) have your WPI shake, about 70 - 75g is enough.

    That's what I did and had no problems.

    Last edited by Gear; 06-11-2006 at 02:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2DaTop
    Thanks for the response.
    Now I understand that you are suggesting it as a post-workout only but since I train in the evenings (no other way since I work all day), what would you suggest?
    If I couldn't take insulin PWO, then I wouldn't take it at all.


  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    I use my humulin-R post work out and that is as late as 10:30 pm and then go to bed around 1 am. Ive never had any problems as long as I eat a good solid meal before I get to bed, something that breaks down slowly for a nice long release into bloodstream. I always take the postworkout shake with dextrose and follow up with one or two more meals.
    That's all kool bro, but you are taking a huge risk there. Insulin can take an effect on your body while you are asleep and send you into a deep coma, and nobody would know because they would think you are asleep. To me, that is a big deal, therefore I don't take any risks even if the chances of anyting bad happening was 1/1000.

    Just be carefull.


  9. #9
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    Jun 2006

    I have been using the Humulin-R, sub-Q for the past week. I was only taking 2IU's upon waking right before breakfast which consisted of approx. 100g. of a mixture of simple and complex carbs as well as 70g. of protein. Today I tried for the first time post workout with 3IU's (since I was off from work on a saturday). My question is, with Humulin-R, I am afraid of using it PWO on week days, since I can only train after work, which is around 6-6:30pm and I finish up at approximately 8:30pm. As I stated earlier in this post, I go to bed at 11:30pm, so the short 3 hours window, the insulin will still be active in me and don't want to sleep and go into hypoglycemia. I was told to use it at 2IU's twice a day and then even go 2IU's three times a day by a "guru" friend of mine. What do you suggest and recommend?
    2 shots (one in the am and another around noon) or just one shot of 4IU's in the morning? Unless it is safe to use it at 8:30pm after my workout?

    Thanks a ton!

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2DaTop

    I have been using the Humulin-R, sub-Q for the past week. I was only taking 2IU's upon waking right before breakfast which consisted of approx. 100g. of a mixture of simple and complex carbs as well as 70g. of protein. Today I tried for the first time post workout with 3IU's (since I was off from work on a saturday). My question is, with Humulin-R, I am afraid of using it PWO on week days, since I can only train after work, which is around 6-6:30pm and I finish up at approximately 8:30pm. As I stated earlier in this post, I go to bed at 11:30pm, so the short 3 hours window, the insulin will still be active in me and don't want to sleep and go into hypoglycemia. I was told to use it at 2IU's twice a day and then even go 2IU's three times a day by a "guru" friend of mine. What do you suggest and recommend?
    2 shots (one in the am and another around noon) or just one shot of 4IU's in the morning? Unless it is safe to use it at 8:30pm after my workout?

    Thanks a ton!
    You will find that 2IU won't really do much, I would start on at least 4IU p/day. Note that everyone is different so 2IU may very well work for you but I haven't come across anyone that uses 2IU and is happy with the outcome.

    Insulin is mostly beneficial PWO and therefore that is the only time I would use it as at that time your body is in need of recovering and insulin will enhance the the recovery process. I don't believe you will benfit much from taking insulin throughout the day, I would get some Humalog and use it PWO.


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