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Thread: Youer thoughts about an upcoming show I want to do and how you'd go about this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Youer thoughts about an upcoming show I want to do and how you'd go about this?

    Ok, there is a show about 13 1/2 wks away I'd like to do. I'm pretty puffy right now, it's going to take me all of that 13 wks to come in right on time and sharp. I've already been on a pretty heavy cycle of test e(1200mg/wk), eq(1000mg/wk), and NPP(3-400mg/wk) for the past 6 or 7 wks. This show wasnt really a consideration until just recently. If I run a cycle for another 13 wks that means a 20 wk cycle, I dont like long harsh cycles like that, makes it hard to come back. So, my plan basically is to run the shit I'm on now for another wk or so, then drop everything but a small amount of prop/eq for the next 4 or 5 wks and come in w/ some HCG and proviron, possibly a little Clen too as a nice bridge. At that point I'll be roughly 8 wks out from the show, and by then I should be able to afford more gear like tren, winstrol, and anavar. I want to bridge w/ the eq because it'd be pointless to drop it at only 7 wks as it's just started to kick and to restart it at 8 wks would be pointless. I'm not sure if you guys are follwing me or not, but based on money right now and gear I have on hand and shit I dont have yet, is my 4-5 wk bridge something you would consider doing as well? It'll basicaly be enough gear to maintain the hard earned muscle I've put on recently, and pull me through until 8 wks away and I get the right shit. Any thoughts? I know its a long post guys, but thanks for the time!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    First of all bro whats your stats including your body fat percentage?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    I'm 5'9", 243 lbs right now, and floating around 14% bodyfat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
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    I'm 5'9", 243 lbs right now, and floating around 14% bodyfat, I plan on coming in around 210-215 lbs in the open heavies

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I'm 5'9", 243 lbs right now, and floating around 14% bodyfat, I plan on coming in around 210-215 lbs in the open heavies
    bro chances are you are looking at a weight at 198lbs if your 14% BF. lets analyze the situation. if you are exactly 14% (which is a guess) then you will come down to at least 4% so you will have to loose 10% right now, which is about 25lbs leaving yo u with 218lbs then -10lbs for water which will leave you at 208 then factor in muscle lose while on a diet. be realistic so you are not disappointed at the end. when I do my calulations I try to place my results lower than higher so I dont get disappointed. we all tend to loose a whole lot more than we would like to but this is just my opionion. read my 12 weeks out log thread bro, might help some

  6. #6
    at 198, u would be cut to the bone, i like the idea of keepin the EQ the whole duration, it takes so long to kick in...what have u previously competed at???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    bro chances are you are looking at a weight at 198lbs if your 14% BF. lets analyze the situation. if you are exactly 14% (which is a guess) then you will come down to at least 4% so you will have to loose 10% right now, which is about 25lbs leaving yo u with 218lbs then -10lbs for water which will leave you at 208 then factor in muscle lose while on a diet. be realistic so you are not disappointed at the end. when I do my calulations I try to place my results lower than higher so I dont get disappointed. we all tend to loose a whole lot more than we would like to but this is just my opionion. read my 12 weeks out log thread bro, might help some

    My last show will be exactly 1 year prior to the day of this show, and I was 205 shredded, I tried my ass off to get into those light heavies but there was just nowhere else to pull fat from or I would have ended up looking flat and too depleted. I've become stronger since that show and I know I've definitely picked up a little muscle since then, thats the only reason I'm predicting a stage weight of 210-215. Dont get me wrong, I'd love to get into the light heavies but I just dont know if it's going to happen. If I could swing it though I'd be shredded to the bone. Any thoughts on the bridge or cycle plan though?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    But Mr. Mention, if I can look like your avatar I dont give a shit what weight I come in at ,hahahahah

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yes Keep the EQ all the way as it takes a long time to work.. not sure if yo uhave bu talso I'd use test E at 250mg a week just to keep some test in th ebody so th ebody dont start to make it own again creating possible muscle loss. an dyou'll b eOK bro. good luck and keep us updated.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Yes Keep the EQ all the way as it takes a long time to work.. not sure if yo uhave bu talso I'd use test E at 250mg a week just to keep some test in th ebody so th ebody dont start to make it own again creating possible muscle loss. an dyou'll b eOK bro. good luck and keep us updated.

    Yeah, those were kind of my thoughts as well, just keep the EQ and test at a super low dose for 4-5 wks as a bridge along w/ some proviron and HCG, and then come in w/ some heavy anavar, tren, winny, and possibly some Masteron as the show gets nearer. Thanks again

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