Ok, there is a show about 13 1/2 wks away I'd like to do. I'm pretty puffy right now, it's going to take me all of that 13 wks to come in right on time and sharp. I've already been on a pretty heavy cycle of test e(1200mg/wk), eq(1000mg/wk), and NPP(3-400mg/wk) for the past 6 or 7 wks. This show wasnt really a consideration until just recently. If I run a cycle for another 13 wks that means a 20 wk cycle, I dont like long harsh cycles like that, makes it hard to come back. So, my plan basically is to run the shit I'm on now for another wk or so, then drop everything but a small amount of prop/eq for the next 4 or 5 wks and come in w/ some HCG and proviron, possibly a little Clen too as a nice bridge. At that point I'll be roughly 8 wks out from the show, and by then I should be able to afford more gear like tren, winstrol, and anavar. I want to bridge w/ the eq because it'd be pointless to drop it at only 7 wks as it's just started to kick and to restart it at 8 wks would be pointless. I'm not sure if you guys are follwing me or not, but based on money right now and gear I have on hand and shit I dont have yet, is my 4-5 wk bridge something you would consider doing as well? It'll basicaly be enough gear to maintain the hard earned muscle I've put on recently, and pull me through until 8 wks away and I get the right shit. Any thoughts? I know its a long post guys, but thanks for the time!!!