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Thread: I need my natty back!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England

    I need my natty back!!


    This morning my beautiful wife woke me up with her choppers around my dick! How great is that!!! Problem being I have had no real sex drive for months and this morning I was lucky to raise a smile never mind anything else. I ran my last pct to the letter which ended 2 months ago or so and I still aint right. I have made an appt with my doc to get my test levels checked but is there anything else I should know or do. I have been using cialis and viagra to get me by for ages and that still aint that successful. Can anyone help, its messing with my head??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    have u tried zma, tribulus, tangkat ali and horney goat weed

    i have the same problem - i always run these natural test boosters after my clomid/nolva

    i know how u feel - i'm in my 6th week of PCT - and lets just say my girlfriend isnt happy - its hard (or should i say difficult) to tell them it isnt their fault

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England
    Feel for you bro! I neeed to try the horney goat weed. Ive used the Tongkat Ali but it made little or no difference. Ill get some of the goat weed and see how I go. Thnx Bro

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